Relief and Secrets

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Penny just stood there, watching the two until a hand clasped her shoulder. She immediately whirled around to find Foxy standing there. "We need to talk," he said. He led her to a nearby room and shut the door so no one could eavesdrop on them.

"What do you need, Foxy?" Penny asked curiously. "Penny, why did you look so panicked when you said 'It came true'? It was almost as though you knew Bunny was gonna be in this condition." Foxy said. Penny felt the panic rising inside of her again. If Bunny bleeding and possibly becoming infected came true, would the other images she saw come true? 

Foxy seemed to notice her panicking. He stroked her head, and it made Penny's panic turn into surprise. Now she knew why Foxy enjoyed petting so much. It calmed her down and made her only want the person petting her to continue forever. "Calm down. Just tell me what's going on." Foxy said soothingly. 

Penny exhaled. "I had this dream last night. Three figures appeared before me and they said they would help me throughout this whole new infection. Then they showed me these images. One was of infected gathering outside the safe place, and that happened; then another one of Bunny hurt, and that happened as well; one of Zuzy almost getting speared and the last one of some shadow dude shooting us." she said. "Wow. I can't believe I remembered that so vividly." 

"Pfft," Foxy said. "Those are just dreams. Dreams don't often come true, anyway." "Oh yeah?! Then how did the first two images come true, huh? Some crazy force decided to make today's events match my dream?!" Penny said. Foxy didn't really know how to argue with that. He didn't think Penny's suggestion of 'some crazy force' would actually be true. He didn't really believe in divine forces, after all. So the only think he could think of saying was, "Maybe a coincidence?" 

Penny frowned. "No, I don't think it's a coincidence. It can't be." she said. "We'll figure this out later." Foxy assured her. "Right now, let's think about Bunny and the others first." "Okay. Thanks for the reassurance, Foxy." said Penny gratefully while hugging him. Foxy reciprocated. Then both of their ears perked up when they heard a shout from outside. They immediately rushed outside.


Before Penny and Foxy rushed outside, Doggy was watching Bunny intently to make sure she's alright. Then he started to feel a little sleepy. He almost dozed of until he felt Bunny move a bit. He looked at her and she seemed to be stirring. Doggy quickly braced himself in case she woke up infected and tried to attack him. Then Bunny opened her eyes. "Doggy...?"

Doggy was completely shocked. "BUNNY?!" he shouted loudly. Then both the dog and the rabbit heard a nearby door slam and saw Penny and Foxy rushing towards them. "What happened?! Is she infected?!" Penny asked, panicked again. "No! She's fine!" Doggy replied.

"Guys, stop shouting, please. You're being too loud." Bunny said. Then the other three quietened down. "Bunny, how are you feeling? Any different than how you felt when you weren't injured yet?" Doggy asked her. "Beside the fact that my side throbs a little, I'm fine." Bunny said. "You don't feel like you're turning infected?" Foxy asked her. "Nope, not at all." Bunny confirmed. "I'm glad you're okay, Bunny. I don't want to lose you to the infection." Doggy said. Bunny smiled at him and squeezed his hand. "I could say the same for you, Doggy." 

Penny and Foxy smirked at them a little. Ship. they thought.


Meanwhile, Zuzy and Edmond were on the journey to the outpost. It took them one hour and fifteen minutes to exit the city and now they were both on the outskirts. 

"Hey Edmond?" Zuzy asked. "Yeah?" "Are you completely sure we're going the right way? It's because I don't wanna get to the wrong place or worse, a trap." Zuzy said. "You can trust me, Zuzy. I know where I'm going. I am sure of where we're going." Edmond replied. Then they continued walking until they arrived at a crossroads.

"Which way now, Edmond?" asked Zuzy. No reply. "Uh, Edmond?" she asked again. Then she turned to where Edmond was standing and gasped. His eyes were a glowing green. He was infected. 

"Wha-? How?! There's no infected here!" Zuzy exclaimed. She decided she had to defend herself before she got infected too. She charged him. But Edmond was quicker. With his spear, he knocked Zuzy's fencing sword out of her hand and backed her up against a nearby building wall. Zuzy tripped halfway and fell on her back on the pavement.

Edmond raised his spear over her, ready to stab her with it. But Zuzy fortunately acted fast and grabbed the spear shaft. She put some force on the other end and knocked Edmond over with the butt of the spear. 

"Phew, thank goodness I didn't become a zebra shish-kebab." she said. She immediately retrieved her sword and pointed it at Edmond's throat. Edmond got up and he looked normal again, but Zuzy noticed something she had never noticed before. His right eye, covered by his hair, was a glowing green whereas his left eye was completely normal.

"You're half-infected and you didn't mention it earlier?!" she angrily exclaimed. "Y-Yeah. I didn't want to tell you earlier because I was afraid of freaking you out." Edmond said. "I'm sorry for not saying so earlier." Zuzy lowered her sword and held it at her side. She helped Edmond up. "Since your secret has been let out now, I shall tell you mine." 

"Okay. What is it?" Edmond asked curiously. "I guess you could say this is a quest for love," Zuzy said. "Wait, you're gonna find someone you love at the outpost?!" Edmond exclaimed. "What?! No!" Zuzy shouted. "I need to cure someone I love. That's why I badly want to get to the outpost so I could get into the military plant." she explained. "You must really like this person if you badly want to get there." Edmond remarked. "Yup, I do, to be honest. C'mon, let's continue our journey there." Zuzy said. Then both of them decided to stop talking and continue their journey to the outpost.


Hi guys! I hope you like this new chapter! Also, this chapter was for @BlanketsThanks's ship challenge. I decided to merge the challenge with the storyline so it could be a more interesting contest entry!

@BlanketsThanks , I hope I fulfilled all your conditions for this challenge. If I missed out something or didn't add much shipping flavor, I'm sorry but thanks for reading anyway!

Piggy: Infection Phase 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant