The Nightmare Come True

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 It's been a long time since the infection, a year at least. Everyone didn't miss the infection one bit. Everything was normal again.

Well, almost.

It was a normal day for the Piggy family. Everyone was chilling in the living room of the house. It was almost lunchtime for them.

However, at the same time, without any of them noticing, a dark, shadowy hand snaked into the kitchen window. It seemed to pour a glowing liquid into a nearby cup that was by the window. The liquid immediately became clear, as though it turned into regular old water.

(Sorry if this doesn't make sense lol)

Then the Piggy family entered the kitchen, but the mysterious person who had poured the liquid into the cup had already left. They settled down at the dining table and ate. After eating, George decided to go and get some water to drink. He was surprised when he saw there was already water in his cup.

"Did someone fill my cup for me?" he asked, looking at his sister and parents. "None of us did." his father replied on behalf of all of them. George just shrugged his shoulders and drank the cup's contents, deciding that he must've left some excess water from the day before.

As soon as he took one sip of the water, he dropped the cup and spilled the rest of its contents. He felt weird, and he only felt like this once: in a nightmare during the infection, when he was still trapped in the mall before Zizzy and Y/N found him.

"George? Are you okay?" Penny asked, concerned. George coughed a bit and said, "I-I'm fine. Please excuse me for a moment." Then he immediately left the room. Penny and her parents wondered what made George suddenly leave like that.

Meanwhile, George was outside in the living room, kneeling on the floor, a hand on his face. "Oh, no, no, no! This can't be happening! It's been a year!" he muttered to himself. Then he collapsed, and he lost control of his body.

After a while, he regained consciousness. When he opened his eyes, they were no longer their normal sapphire blue. They were blood red and his scleras were black.

He was infected.

Piggy: Infection Phase 2Where stories live. Discover now