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"George? George?" Penny called out, wondering why her brother went outside for so long. "I think you should go out and check on him instead of just calling him from here." her mother said. "Alright, mom." Penny said and she walked outside to the living room.

She didn't see George. She thought he must be playing a trick on her, like he used to do when he was younger. Penny walked into every room in the house, searching for him. But she was unsuccessful. No George could be found anywhere.

Penny finally decided to go outside to the garden. That was the last place she could check. If he wasn't there, he would be declared missing. She didn't want to lose her little brother again.

She found George staring off into space outside, a bat in his hand. "George David Piggy, there you are. What the heck are you doing out here?" Penny asked him. No reply. "Hello? Earth to George?" she asked. Still no response. Annoyance built up inside of her. She balled her fists and said in a steely calm voice, "Call off the joke, George. Say something!" But George just ignored her.

Penny was seething in rage. She put her hand on George to make him face her. "Why won't you-"

Penny cut her question short when George faced her. She gasped in alarm. She finally understood why he did not reply her. He was infected, and the infected couldn't talk. "H-How is this possible..?" she muttered. Then she noticed George was about to hit her with his bat. She immediately made a run for it.

George chased his sister around the garden, but fortunately, Penny had always been a faster runner than George. She almost managed to outrun him and enter the house. Almost.

When she almost reached the front door, she tripped on a stone and fell. Unfortunately, George had kept up with her and was now towering over her, his bat raised. Tears of fear and helplessness streamed down from Penny's eyes. Her brother was going to hit her and she was going to turn infected again. She absolutely hated that experience from the past. Now it is going to repeat.

She thought she was goner when a large, brown thing came flying from behind George and hit him on the head, knocking him out momentarily. Penny stared at the knocked out George in shock. She looked at the large brown thing and noticed it was a large tree branch. What happened?

Penny looked at the direction from where the flying tree branch came from. There, looking at George from a distance, was a figure who had orange hair, cyan eyes and a red hoodie.

"Foxy! Oh my god, you're such a sight for sore eyes!" Penny exclaimed, running towards the figure and gave him a big hug. "It's good to see you too, Penny. I'm sorry I knocked out your brother. I didn't know you guys were just playing. I thought something bad was happening." Foxy replied. Penny looked at Foxy and said, "There's nothing to apologize for. Something bad was indeed happening." Foxy was stunned. "What?! What was it?"

"George's infected." Penny said. Foxy's eyes widened. For a moment all there was was stunned silence. Then Foxy exclaimed, "What do you mean?! The infection was like, a year ago!" "I know,that's what I thought. Maybe someone's plotting it to happen again." Penny said. "We have to warn your parents and everyone else." Foxy said. "We need all the defense we could get. The infection's contagious, so we need everyone warned first." "Agreed, let's go!" Penny said.

~***~ (this is for time skips now)

After warning Penny's parents about the possibility of a new infection starting, they promised they would alert everyone else and protect the surroundings the best they can. After that, Penny and Foxy set off to alert their friends.

Piggy: Infection Phase 2Where stories live. Discover now