A Message From A Dream

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Penny surveyed the exterior of the safe place. It was large and it looked similar to a condominium. It has at least seven floors (might've been more but this is my AU so yeah). Pony and Zizzy opened the door and let them in, so Penny had to stop gawking at the sights or she's going to block the others behind her. 

The interior wasn't quite as impressive as the outside. It was dusty and cobwebs were stuck in every nook and cranny. "Well, I guess this is what happened to our safe place after a year: a dusty, abandoned building." Giraffy remarked. Everyone else nodded in agreement. "Hey, but we could always clean it up, right? It's better than living in this dusty environment," Zee spoke up. "Let's get to it, then. The faster it's cleaned, the better." Doggy said. 

It took them a while to actually start, as Pony and Zizzy insisted on giving the others a tour of the place first, or else they would be lost and couldn't find their way around easily. Then they went to the supplies closet and fetched some mops, brooms, towels and buckets. They started cleaning the place up, and it sure felt satisfying as they watched the dust and cobwebs get swept or wiped away.

Mimi noticed Elly with a worried look on her face when she was cleaning. This bothered her. "Hey, Elly, are you okay?" she asked her. "Uh, I'm fine, just worried about my brother." Elly replied. "You have a brother?" Mimi asked, tilting her head a little. "Yeah. I guess I didn't tell you guys earlier. I'm so stupid. I should've asked him to follow me here when I knew about George starting a new infection." Elly said. "Is he in the same grade as Zuzy, Zee, Richard and George? If he is, maybe he can defend himself. After all, George did a good job of fending of the infected last time." Mimi chided. 

Elly looked at her, with a little hope shining in her amber eyes. "Yes, he's the same age as them. Now that I think about what you said...maybe he does have a chance of defending himself. Maybe he can protect himself long enough for us to track him down and bring us to safety," she said. "Thanks for talking about it with me, Mimi. Otherwise, I would've been worried out of my mind all day." Mimi smiled. "You're welcome. Anything for a friend." Elly was glad she was considered a 'friend' to Mimi, as she and Mimi fought for Giraffy a few months ago, but Mimi had won as Giraffy knew and liked her better. But all three of them agreed to stay friends.


After two hours of cleaning and mopping, the safe place was squeaky clean from the top floor to the bottom. However, it was already 7.30 p.m. So the group decided to eat dinner (cooked by Pony).

After eating, the group just chilled in the living room, deciding what to do from now on. They wondered if anybody got re-infected. They hoped not, as this time everyone had been alerted, so they shouldn't be caught off-guard. Their biggest worry was the infected George.

Everyone made sure they did not mention his name, or Zuzy's mood will be spoiled by bitter sadness. Zee was still wondering why her sister reacted like that to George being mentioned, but Richard had suspected something. He was pretty sure it had something to do with a crush...

"Alright, everyone! Let's go to bed! We should get some rest in case we get attacked tomorrow," Zizzy said. Everyone mumbled in agreement and shuffled to the bunks prepared for them.

Penny had a weird dream that night, which was saying a lot.

At first the dream was just about her in a pitch black room. Then three glowing figures appeared. Penny moved closer to the figures and noticed each of them had a respective glowing color: white, red and black. They appeared to be pig-like creatures, and they seemed to be in the middle of an argument.

Piggy: Infection Phase 2Where stories live. Discover now