Reinforcements and A Battle

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George leapt towards Zuzy's direction to hit her with his bat, but before it hit her, suddenly Edmond woke up and took the hit. The noises woke Zuzy up, and she was shocked when she saw Edmond on the floor. Before anyone else moved a muscle, Edmond got up again, no longer half-infected. He stared at Zuzy, and so did George behind him. 

Zuzy backed up slowly, terrified. Her sisters and the others, who were still trapped, punched the walls of the cage they were imprisoned in, but it was no use. Zuzy was on her own out there, with two infected adolescents and an evil sweet potato, weaponless and weak. 

Then out of nowhere, a stick flew towards George's direction, knocking him out. Zuzy turned towards the direction where the stick came from and noticed Giraffy, Mimi and Elly. Giraffy dashed forward, scooped up his stick and whacked Edmond with it, knocking him unconscious as well. Then Mimi cut the lock of the cage with her pickaxe and the others were freed. 

After realizing his friends were freed, Mr. P glared at the large group of survivors in anger. "Why do you stupid kids have to meddle with my plans?" he muttered. "If you wish to fight, well, let's see who wins." he said.

You may think it would've been easy to defeat Mr. P, since the battle is literally twelve to one, and every single person was armed. Yet, it was still difficult, as Mr. P is a strong individual. He fired his gun hand at everyone who tried to attack him, and they either took the hit and got stunned or they tried to dodge it. Only three had an advantage: Doggy, Bunny and Zizzy.

Doggy and Zizzy were fast, so they managed to use their weapons and slash Mr. P on the face, hands, torso or legs. Bunny, on the other hand, was armed with a crossbow, so she could shoot from afar.

The battle lasted for what felt like an hour of even more. It was repetitive; charge, shoot, stun, attack. But the fight was put to a stop when George was starting to regain his consciousness.

His bright red infected eyes scanned the blur of people who were battling in front of him. There were so many survivors to attack, but who first? He looked around and eyed one particular person.

Meanwhile, Penny had just gotten stunned for the tenth time. She hated it when she just froze there helplessly and watch her friends fight non-stop. Then she noticed George, fully conscious and about to attack. 

"GUYS! LOOK OUT! GEOR-" she yelled out, but noticed George was running towards her. "PENNY!" Foxy yelled.

But George suddenly turned away from here and towards Mr. P. But Mr. P was too busy trying to shoot the others, and his thought of winning was short-lived. 

George whacked him hard with his bat, and finally, Mr. P. was defeated. 

The others stared at their savior in shock. But now he was charging towards them, ready to try and kill them too. But before he got to any of them, Penny whacked him with her own bat. 

"I'm sorry for that, George." she whispered. 

For a moment, no one knew what to say.

"So...what do we do now? We have two unconscious infected and a knocked-out evil sweet potato to deal with." Foxy said.

"We should take them to the hospital. Hopefully, the cure is still stored there." Doggy said. 

"But...what about the other infected? I'm pretty sure there are others that accidentally got infected as well." Zee said.

"How about this; Penny, Foxy, Giraffy and Mimi help transport Mr. P, Elly, Zuzy, Zee and Richard help transport Edmond and George while me, Doggy, Zizzy and Pony get the other infected?" Bunny suggested.

"Sounds like a plan." Penny agreed.

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