Chapter Eleven

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"Ready to go?" Mark asked holding his hand out for me, "definitely" I said and grabbed his hand. We went outside and there was his bike, I smiled. "I never been on a bike before" I told him a bit nervous.

"It's easy but I'll take it slow till you get comfortable on it with me, just wrap your arms around my waist and hold on" he said as he sat on his bike. I climbed on behind him; he handed me my helmet and after I got it on, he started up the bike.

"Hold on baby" he yelled over the engine, I wrapped my arms around him tightly, I could feel him laugh as he took off down the drive and we were heading towards town.

I picked my head up and started to laugh, this was amazing, I could feel the freedom this offered, and the wind felt so good on my skin, plus wrapping myself around Mark was just perfect also.

Right outside of town there was this cute little restaurant that he was taking me to, once we were there and he shut off the bike I tried to stand but my legs at first were a bit unsteady.

"You're good love, just give it a minute, must have been hugging the bike with your legs as tightly as you were my waist" he said and kissed me which made me smile.

Okay I was guilty of that also, I couldn't help it, I felt that I needed to hang on to everything a bit tighter the first time. Blushing after his comment, he grabbed my hand and led me to the front door.

Walking in, a woman came up and greeted us, she was pleasant enough, but she could keep her damn eyes to herself and quit checking out my mate. My wolf growled a little bit.

The woman looked at me and I coughed, "sorry a bit of a tickle" I said trying to pass it off, hopefully she would let it go. She gave me a tight smile once she saw that Mark was holding my hand.

Once we were seated, another one walked over with menus, this time it was a man, he seemed like he was out waiter, but he was dressed differently. "He is the owner along with his wife that seated us" he whispered into my ear.

I looked at Mark with a raised eyebrow, he just smiled. I knew the weight he carried a bit, but to the full extent I had no idea yet what he had behind that killer smile and body.

We ordered our food and spent awhile eating and talking, not paying any attention to the woman that seated us, even though she tried a few times to get Marks attention.

He would just wave her away; she finally got the hint after I told her that we were having a date night and would appreciate time to ourselves without being interrupted.

Her husband came over and apologized right away, they went back into the kitchen, and I could hear them argue, I wasn't sorry that I said something, I was getting tired of her bullshit.

As we were getting ready to leave, I felt a strange feeling come over me, I sat there rooted into my chair, my wolf growled a low deadly growl, which made Mark get on guard.

"What's the matter love?" he asked looking around ready to fight whatever had my wolf on edge. "There's someone here, I don't know where that has me and my wolf on edge" I told him through gritted teeth.

Then it hit me full force, in walks my old alpha and his beta, my dad. They both turned to see me sitting there, the looks on their faces were found you, I on the other hand bared my teeth at them.

My old alpha spotted Mark and walked over, it was custom when in another's territory to meet up with the alpha and let them know why they are there, if you didn't it could be a sign that you were going to wager war with that clan.

Mark placed his hand on mind and wrapped our fingers together, it helped calm my wolf and me a tad, he could feel my power starting to notch up a bit, and in a human place that wasn't good.

"Alpha, pleasant surprise to see you, I stopped by your office today to introduce myself and my beta and to let you know why we were here, but your secretary said you were out for the day with your mate" he said never breaking eye contact with Mark.

My father stood behind his alpha, but he was staring daggers at me, I knew it was bugging the hell out of him that here I was sitting with another alpha and holding his hand.

Mark looked at the other alpha, "What is your purpose here and what is your names and the pack you belong to?" Mark asked with his alpha power. I could tell his was a lot stronger than my old alphas and it made me smile once I saw the old alpha and my father wince at it.

"Forgive my manners, I am Tony, and this is my beta Trey, we are from the crescent moon pack out in Michigan, we are here to bring a member of my pack home that has lost her way it seems" he said and sneered at me.

Mark stood up to his full height which I never realized how tall he was, he stood two feet taller than Tony and a foot taller than Trey. You will do well with telling me who your pack member is, but I warn you if you even look at my mate wrong again, I will slice you in half.

My wolf stood there proud watching her mate defend us against these two. Noone ever dared and damn we loved it; we finally found a mate worthy of us who will defend and love us.

"Tina is my pack member and was to be my mate when she learned her place" Tony spoke. I spite out my water that I was sipping on to keep quiet. "The fuck I was, all you did was beat me daily and reminded me I was nothing" I fumed at him.

Tony stood there about to go all wolfy after I just spoke to him the way I did, if I would have done that back when I lived there, I wouldn't be alive today, but now that I have my mate and I am not alone I can finally stand up to them.

Mark stood in front of me blocking their view of me, I know why he did that, and I was glad, my wolf was wanting to come up to the surface and slice away at them. "I would advise you Tony and Trey to get into your car and go back where your pack is, never set foot in my territory again" Mark snarled"

Tony and Trey backed away, they both knew Mark was no match for both of them let alone for either of them, they knew Mark could rip them in half with just one swipe.

"We will be back for that thing" Trey pointed at me, and this time I growled loudly, and I knew my eyes must have changed because the look on both Troy and Treys face, they looked like they were about to piss themselves.

Mark places his arm around my back and his hand was on my hip, grounding me and soothing my wolf, she took comfort in her mate, and seeing that we were a couple but just not any ordinary couple, but a powerful alpha pair.

After those two left, Mark said "let me take you to our home, well one day it will be ours love" I nodded my head, I wasn't ready to be alone and I needed and wanted Mark with me. 

Forever CursedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora