Chapter 12

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The couple was fast asleep by now. Their position had changed, so now Marinette had her head on his chest and a leg wrapped around his.

Plagg and Tikki were both lying down on the couch.

"I can't believe your girl is staying over," Plagg scoffed. "Is she not worried he'll see her?"

Tikki sighed, "She is, I'm surprised she stayed. The last thing she wants is for him to find out who she is."

This caught Plagg's attention, "Why not? She knows his identity. What harm is there in him knowing? Isn't it better? They can date as civilians."

Tikki looked away, a nervous look on her face, "I don't think that's going to be possible, Plagg."

"Why?" he frowned.

"It's going to be very complicated."

"What are the odds they know each other?" he scoffed.

When she didn't say anything, Plagg knew something was wrong. Tikki always had something to say. The fact she didn't respond right away was very alarming.

"Do they know each other?" he asked, now very curious about Ladybug's identity. Once more, Tikki stayed silent.

Annoyed by her silence, Plagg flew up and turned to look at the couple. The light from outside was enough to show their figures, but his night vision helped him see their faces. Plagg squinted before flying over to them.

"Plagg!" Tikki whisper shouted.

Plagg ignored her and continued for the bed. As he drew nearer, his eyes widened, and his jaw dropped.

To his surprise, Marinette was in Adrien's bed. The same girl who had rejected him months earlier.

Before Plagg could get any words out, Tikki grabbed his paw and dragged him out, phasing through the window.

Now that they were outside and far from waking their charges, Plagg finally spoke.

"Why is she is in his bed?! Didn't she reject him? Why is she doing all these nasty human things with him?!"

Tikki sighed, "I do not understand either, Plagg! I've warned her and told her this was a bad idea, but she doesn't listen!"

"Your charge has caused so my damage to mine! What is she doing? This is bad! I doubt Adrien will be keen to find out who she is!"

"She's stubborn! She felt bad for what she did!"

"But she only feels bad because he's Chat Noir!"

"Plagg, she's not a shallow person! I'm sure she's come to like Adrien too! Why else would she do those humanly things with him?" she protested. "I know my charge, I know she doesn't mean to hurt. Besides, yours initiated everything!"

To this, Plagg had no response.

"I'm not happy about her staying, we need to make sure Adrien doesn't see her."

"Fine, let's just hope your charge isn't making a big mistake," Plagg glared.

Tikki only signed.


"Ladybug, wake up!" Tikki patted Marinette's face. The girl didn't budge, she was still fast asleep.

Plagg flew over and began tugging at Marinette's hair, "Wake up, kid!"

This seemed to stir her up a little so Tikki joined in. After a few minutes of tugging, Marinette finally opened her eyes.

"What? It's still daaark," she whined.

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