Chapter 20

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Chat Noir couldn't process what just happened. He was looking at Ladybug for once second, then the next he was blinded by a pink light and faced with a horrified Marinette. 

He was shell shocked. 

He couldn't really remember much of the battle. He expected Ladybug to come back, to temporarily ignore what had happened, but she didn't. She didn't come back. 

Instead, Viperion and Queen Bee showed up. They aided in the battle, and together they destroyed the glove. The purple butterfly flew out, but with no Ladybug, Chat resorted to using a jar to capture it. 

It seemed to have worked. He considered destroying it with a cataclysm, but Viperion suggested he wait for Ladybug to take care of it. He knew she wouldn't show up, so he'd have to go see her.  

Chat wasn't sure if he should. 

Ladybug was Marinette. 

Marinette was Ladybug. 

Marinette rejected Adrien.

Ladybug is Adrien's girlfriend. 

What kind of twisted game was she playing? 

He placed the jar on the coffee table and sat down on the couch. If Viperion suggested he take it to Ladybug, he probably should. 

Adrien stared at it, not knowing what to do. He wasn't sure what to think. 

Marinette was Ladybug. 

Ladybug slept with Adrien. 

"Did you know?" Adrien asked his kwami.

Plagg paused mid-bite. 

"Know what?" he asked, resuming his bite. 

"That Marinette was Ladybug."

The kwami paused once more. He knew. He had seen her the first night she slept over. 

"Yes," he replied. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Adrien frowned. 

"Because I'm not allowed to," Plagg rolled his eyes. "You should really take that thing to your little girlfriend. It's dangerous having an akuma out and about, even in a jar."

Plagg was right about that. Adrien knew very well from his first battle what could happen if an akuma wasn't purified. 

School ended early after the akuma attack as it went longer than usual. So, he knew Marinette was going to be home. 

After Plagg recharged, Adrien transformed. He jumped out of his window, holding onto the jar closely. 

It doesn't take long for him to arrive at her place. He stood on her balcony, not knowing what to do. His heart ached. 

Should he knock? He probably should, it would be rude to walk into her room. Even if he had seen her fully nude, it wouldn't be respectful.


Did she even respect him? 

What would he say to her? Did she want to talk to him? Would she just purify the akuma and kick him out?

As far as he knew, she didn't know who he was. 

Deciding to just get this over with, he walked over to her trapdoor and knocked. He heard a crash below. She knew he was there. 

He heard hushed whispers; he assumed it was Marinette and her kwami. A few moments later, the whispers hushed, and he heard her fumbling. 

She opened the door, and he was faced with a puffy-eyed Marinette. He froze up, not knowing what to say. Her eyes trailed down to the jar, and he remembered why he was there.

Mending A Broken Heart (+18)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang