Chapter 24

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Sorry for disappearing, more info at the end lol


Marinette and Adrien knew they needed some kind of plan. They both knew Alya well, and they both knew she was too good at being an investigator. They entertained the idea of revealing their identities, it would make things simpler. But Marinette wasn't fully on board. While it could benefit them in the future, too much was going on for her to do something so big. So, they had to come up with some kind of convincing lie. 

Alya and Nino showed up at Adrien's house Saturday morning with differing expectations. Alya was ready to glare a few more holes into Adrien's head. Nino was ready to start arranging Adrien's funeral. 

What neither had been expecting was Marinette and Adrien waiting for them.

The couple was sitting on the bed, looking at them with nervous smiles. Alya raised a brow, a million questions running to her mind. 

"Hey, guys, um, w-we have something t-to tell you," Marinette stuttered.

"The hell you do, what's going on?" Alya asked, glaring at Adrien.

Adrien swallowed nervously, "We can explain everything that's been going on."

"Go on," Alya placed a hand on her hip.

"Marinette and I have been sleeping together for a while now."

"I'm sorry, what?!" Alya screeched. Adrien and Marinette flinched. 

"Dude, seriously?!" Nino asked, wide-eyed.

"You're joking, right? This is some kind of joke, right? Cause it's not funny," Alya glared.

"I-it's not," Marinette squeaked. Alya turned to look at her in shock, "It's not?! How long has this been going on?! Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Was this before or after Adrien confessed his feelings? Because if it was after, why was Adrien giving you the cold shoulder?" Nino asked. 

"Yeah, what the hell, you guys? Ok, I'm going to need you guys to start from the beginning," Alya pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing.

"S-so, um, this is a little awkward to say," Adrien mumbled. Mostly because quite a lot of details are different. They practiced over and over what details would be changed; to hopefully keep the story as one. They tried to stay as close as to what actually happened, just no secret identities. 

"A-after I rejected Adrien, I felt really bad, as you two know," Marinette continued for him. "I kept trying to talk to him at school, but he wouldn't listen. So, at some point, I came here, to his place."

"I was still really mad, but I could tell she was making an effort," Adrien spoke. 

"I kept showing up, and um..." Marinette's face flushed. 

"One thing led to another," Adrien continued.

Alya and Nino stood frozen for a bit before the realization struck them both. 

"ADRIEN AGRESTE! DID YOU TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY BEST FRIEND'S KINDNESS?! I WILL HURT YOU!" Alya shrieked. Nino quickly jumped in to hold her, hugging her from behind and pinning her arms to her sides. Adrien flinched back. 

Marinette quickly jumped up in front of Adrien, "Alya, no! Adrien would never do that!"

Except I kind of did, Adrien thought bitterly. 

"I fully consented to everything," Marinette explained. This calmed Alya down a bit, but she was still glaring at Adrien. 

"It's still a pretty dick move to push you into sex as a way for you to make it up to him," Alya muttered. Marinette sighed, "Alya, that's not what happened. I-I don't feel comfortable going into d-detail. But I did 100% consent to sex. He didn't push me into anything I didn't want."

"Besides, it's not like we did it often, we've only done it twice," Adrien added, still kind of intimidated by Alya. 

Alya relaxed, and Nino let go of her. "Ok, fine, I believe you. It explains why Adrien was ogling you at school."

Marinette and Adrien both blushed at that. 

"And why Adrien's mood improved around you. How did you guys manage to get away with it without us knowing?" Nino asked. 

"I didn't think you'd approve," Marinette turned to Alya.

"Damn right, I wouldn't approve, it's a fucked up way to start a relationship. So what the hell happened this week? If you two are so buddy-buddy in bed, why was Adrien giving you the cold shoulder?"

"We go into an... argument," Adrien spoke.  

"About?" Alya glared. Adrien shrunk back. 

"About some... choice words I had said to Marinette," Adrien muttered. 

"And what were those words?" Alya asked quite menacingly. 

"Doesn't matter," Marinette interrupted. 

"It does matter!" Alya placed her hands on her hips. 

Marinette groaned, "Alya, please. I know you care about me, but we already resolved it. We're dating now!"

"So to apologize for saying some shitty things, he asks you out?!"

"Babe, please, let's just hear them out," Nino pleaded. 

"No! We were kinda dating before that?" Adrien spoke up.

"Kind of?" Alya raised a brow. 

"I-it's complicated," Marinette sighed. 

"I already apologized for what I said; we patched things up," Adrien continued. 

Marinette nodded, "Yup! We're all better now!" Both Marinette and Adrien smiled nervously. 

Alya glanced at both of them, contemplating what to say. 

"And you're happy?" she asked, turning to Marinette. She nodded quickly. 

"This is what you want?" She nodded again. 

Alya carefully stepped forward and gently (not really) moved Marinette away from Adrien. She gripped him by his shirt and lifted him up.

"Agreste, if you so much as cause my best friend to shed another tear, so help me-"

"Babe!" Nino quickly stepped in and pulled her back. Adrien fell back into the bed, somewhat shaken. "Let's not threaten the man in his own house."

"Fine," she pulled away. "I'll let it go, for now. We need to finish this stupid project anyway."

Marinette and Adrien sighed in relief. 

Alya wasn't fully buying their story, Marinette knew that, but it was only a temporary fix. She knew Alya would be demanding the real story later. Marinette dreaded that conversation.


short chapter, sorry

Sorry for disappearing for two months, summer classes suck ass. The story will wrap up soon, maybe a chapter or two more, I'll see. 

Spoilers (kinda) for season 4:

The whole reveal of Ladybug's identity to Alya was spoiled for me in the show. I love the drama it's creating but idk if the payoff will be worth it, we'll see. I'm not a big fan of season 4 rn cause Chat Noir/Adrien deserves better. So I tried writing my way around it. 

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