Chapter 6

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Warning: slight NSFW * 


Adrien sat on his couch, his arm draped over Ladybug's shoulder.

It had been a few days since they had kissed. Marinette was busy with school and some design commissions she needed to finish and Adrien was busy with school and modeling. There was patrolling, but things had been calm so that did not take up as much time. Even so, they were busy and couldn't see each other. Not as Adrien and Ladybug that is. 

Ladybug rested her head against his chest, cuddling up to him and letting out a quiet sigh. Adrien smiled and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Ladybug blushed and buried her face into his chest. "You're too cute," he chuckled.

She tensed up hearing this and pulled away from him a little, her face flushed. Adrien looked at her, confused. "What's wrong?"

Ladybug shook her head, "N-nothing, it's just... I... I wasn't expecting th-that." 

"I hope I'm not making you uncomfortable." I'd hate to lose you too. 

"Y-you're not," she whispered, cuddling up to him again. She felt her heart racing. He called her cute! 

After a few moments of silence, Adrien spoke again. "Can I ask you a few questions?"

Ladybug lifted her face to look up at him. Adrien turned to look at her and took notice of how long and pretty her lashes were. They complimented her big blue eyes perfectly. "About what?" she asked.

He shrugged, "I just want to get to know you better."

Ladybug looked away nervously. What if he asked very personal questions? Would he ask who she is? Would he try to figure out who she is by asking her specific questions? She already knew Tikki was upset about her seeing him, giving away personal information would only make the kwami more upset. 

She trusted Adrien, he was Chat Noir, she knew he could keep a secret, but she wasn't sure if it was a good idea. 

"I'm not going to ask who you are and I'm not going to try to figure out who you are. I just want to get to know you. We've been seeing each other for a few weeks now and I want to know more about you. You don't have to answer any questions you're not comfortable with," he spoke softly. 

"Ok," she responded, her voice barely above a whisper. Marinette could feel Tikki fuming inside the earrings. 

"What's your favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Not sure. Maybe macarons."

"Are you in school?"


"Did you... did you have a crush on anyone? Or still, do?" he asked that last part quietly. He felt her tense up in his arms again. 

Ladybug almost felt her heart stop. Her palms felt sweaty and she felt nervous. 

Sensing her discomfort, Adrien added, "You don't have to respond."

"I-I..." Ladybug gulped. "I... I um..." What if she told him? What would happen if she told him she liked Chat Noir?

"Is it Chat Noir?" he asked, remembering her previous words. 

Ladybug hesitated before quietly whispering a yes. 

Adrien stayed silent. He didn't know what to think or say. Ladybug liked him and he had no idea. 

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