Author's Note - Please Read!!!

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I'm having a lot of trouble with writing this story. I have heaps of ideas for the big things that would happen in Peeta and Katniss' lives but I'm having trouble with the 'in between' stuff.

I feel like this story is becoming a bit repetitive with Katniss' nightmares and Peeta's flashbacks and I also think that I'm drifting a bit too far from what Suzanne Collins wrote at the end of Mockingjay. It was really important to me to stick close to the books because I had read tonnes of everlark fanfics where they didn't seem very faithful to the books and what their life would have really been like and for some reason that really annoyed me so I wanted mine to be different.

I think what I might do is find a way to end this story soon and start a new story of everlark one shots. It would include stuff from Mockingjay in better detail, possibly their wedding, seeing Annie and Johanna and Gale, Katniss preggers 😉. Stuff like that. It might be in order but I just will feel better not having to worry about having the in between stuff just the milestones in their lives or whatever. Also I might be able to publish chapters more often without writers block (YAY). And the chapters will be much longer (YAY).

I just think that I would find it a lot easier than writing their story day by day. I can write a whole different view that what Im writing now. Later on I might decide to come back to this fanfic and add more to it but I don't think I will do much more at the moment.

What do you guys think? Would you guys read it?

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