Chapter 1

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I wake up from a terrible nightmare to witness yet another.

I am in a small square room with blindingly white walls. I am sitting in a steel chair and tied to it by my wrists and ankles. A small girl with brown hair and skin lies on a steel table with an array of strange looking tools sitting at her feet. She stares right at me, her brown eyes wide in pure fear.

"Rue," I sigh, "where are we?"

"Katniss, help me, please!" she whimpers, tears running down her face.

As a tall man with hair as white as snow enters the room, a nauseating stench assaults my senses. I begin to tremble with terror as I recognize the scent.

Roses and blood.

Snow picks up a strange looking tool off the edge of the steel bench and stands in front of Rue so that all I can see are her terrified eyes boring into my skull.

Rue's screams begin to echo around the room and I join her, screaming her name and pulling at my restraints. Poor, innocent, helpless Rue who I couldn't save in the games. Her bloodcurdling screams send shivers through my spine.

Suddenly the screams cease and for a while the room is silent except for my sobs.

But then another voice fills the room instead.

This time, Prim's scream pierces my ears. Adrenaline courses through my veins as I try to pull away from the restraints and blood starts to escape from the maimed skin on my wrists. I scream for Prim but I can't reach her.

Her screams stop abruptly and another replaces them.

His screams are filled with terror and agony. Violent sobs rack my body as I recognize the voice.

"KATNISS!" Peeta screams. I pull with all of the strength I can muster at the restraints but its no use. I can't reach him. I scream Peeta's name at the top of my lungs until for the third time, the screams stop.

President Snow turns on his foot and runs towards me. He puts his hands now covered in blood on my shoulders and shakes me, screaming my name in my face, his revolting aroma flooding my thoughts like poison.

As I begin to wake from the dream I realize that it isn't Snow shaking me and screaming.

"Katniss!" Peeta yells, his voice bringing me back to my senses. I open my eyes to see his beautiful blue eyes clouded with worry and tears. A fresh wave of sobs racks my body as he wraps his strong and steady arms around me.

"It's okay Katniss. It was only a nightmare. Everything is going to be okay. I promise."

We stay like this with Peeta trying to calm me down until finally I stop sobbing. My eyes are starting to get heavy but are jerked back open when Peeta gets out of my bed and walks out of my room.

"Peeta, wait." he turns to look at me and I notice an expression of worry and pain at my current state. "Will you stay with me?"

He smiles as he remembers all of the nights on the train that we shared together and when I said the same thing once before. This must have been one of the memories that the Capital didn't twist and alter to make me look like a monster.

"Always," he replies. He lies back on the bed and wraps an arm around me protectively. I rest my head on his chest and let the steady beat of his heart lull me back to sleep.

Hope you guys like the first chapter! please give me feedback so I know whether to continue or not. Thanks 😘 ~Everlarkeverlark~

Together, Always || An After Mockingjay Everlark FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now