Slugging himself out of the bathroom, he finally made his way into the kitchen, smelling the beginnings of pancakes and Anti chuckled to himself.

'Didn't think he'd actually do it'

But Sean knew how hard today was for Anti. The last time him and the other Septic egos ran into each other, it wasn't a pleasant time. In their panic, Chase had shot him in the shoulder, Jackie broke a couple of his ribs, Henrik had tried choking him with Jameson helping to hold him down and Marvin had thrown him into the void dimension! When Sean found out, he had to ask for Dark's help to get Anti out of that dimension.

But after a few very long discussions, Sean thought that he finally may have gotten through to the others. Or at least he hoped so. He really couldn't keep paying for Anti's apartment and his own two places in Brighton AND Los Angeles. He'd invite Anti to live with him but Evelien wasn't too fond of that idea.

But if things didn't work out again with the Septic egos, he'd just have to give Anti the LA pad. He thought that maybe it'd be better that way but he just wanted to give the others one last chance to get along.

"Did you actually make me pancakes?" Anti licked his lips, "You know I was just joking, right?"

Sean flipped it to cook on the other side, "Yeah but I also know you really do love these things. I put dark chocolate chips in them too but not too much this time. I know the last time YOU tried to make them, you added WAY too much. Thought I'd have to take you to the hospital"

Anti rolled his eyes, "I was fine~! I was only on the shitter for like half a day!"


"Fuck off"

Sean laughed at him and handed him his finished breakfast, "Want some syrup or are you just going to inhale it?"

"Like a Dyson" Anti sat at the table, already chowing down and eating his feelings.

Sean let out a laugh, watching his counterpart ego pack away his breakfast. He sighed heavily, just as worried, but wanting to lighten up the mood, "You know . . . Chase's pancakes are even better than mine. Maybe if things work out, you'll find out"

Anti ignored him but slowed down, suddenly feeling a little ill at the mention of them.

Sean crossed his arms, "Anti, you know I'm not trying to force you. I just think that-"

Suddenly, Anti's neck wound started to bleed a little and Sean acted quick with a napkin before any blood could get on his clothes, "Shit! You're getting too worked up, Anti. Come on"

The glitch sighed but let his creator lead him back into the bathroom to patch up his neck, wrapping it up in gauze.

When finished, Sean grit his teeth, "That's just another thing they'll have to get used to. Don't worry, I'll let them know."

The lights started to flicker as Anti scowled.

"I'll let them know about that, too"

"I really am a fucking freak, Sean. I know that. No wonder they're terrified of me"

"It's not that, Anti!" Sean made sure the gauze was secure, "You're just different is all. But that doesn't make you bad. Everything will work out, I promise"

". . . . . . Whatever. I'm going to go finish the pancake"

Anti had a little trouble swallowing the rest of the food down due to his neck but he managed fine enough and afterwards, they were in Evelien's car.

"Hey Gab"

"Hey Anti!" she smiled, "Sorry I didn't come in but I just wanted to give you two some time together, you know? Oh, what happened to your neck?! Are you okay?"

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