Chapter 3: Departure

Start from the beginning

They seem to understand, nodding in agreement to her instructions. She gestured for them to follow her, waving her hand towards her. The two began to run again, going past many houses as they traveled down the sidewalk. Both of their bags were heavy and difficult to carry- let alone run with them. They were heading for the forest- one that was a few more blocks away- so they could take rest there, set up their tent, and figure out what exactly to do next.

• • •

Thirty-five minutes, three blocks, four short breathing breaks, and one granola bar later, Clover and Astrid could finally see the cluster of trees up ahead that was their destination.

"Are we just gonna go into it?" Astrid asked, warily.

Clover hummed, "I guess so," she replied. "I've been here one time before, and I remember that there was a little clearing part somewhere near the middle. It was closer to the other side than over here, though."

"Oh okay," they responded. Then they groaned, "Ugh, more moving. My legs are already killing me- how are we supposed to do this?"

"Oh, don't be such a baby, asteroid," she teased. "But same- my legs are tired."

"When we get to that clearing you were talking about, we're going to rest, right?" they asked, hopeful.

Clover nodded, "Yeah, we can set up our tent and stuff," she said. "Now c'mon, we gotta get in the cover of the trees before someone comes looking and finds us."

They went up to the edge of the forest, Clover took a quick peek inside before fully entering the world of trees. Astrid wondered how their friend wasn't afraid of the bugs or poisonous plants, although they were pretty sure they already knew the answer to that one. Clover wasn't at all afraid because this was her safe space- the forest was a place of comfort and exploration for her. Astrid understood completely- they also had a comfort zone. Their's was the outer space section at the city museum that their family had been visiting since they were eight-years-old. That spot, even before they had obtained their stellar manipulation powers, was soothing and nice because it was a place for them to relax and learn about something that they had an interest in.

"Okay, good thing there's a trail we can follow," Clover mentioned, following the dirt pathway through the woods.

Astrid knew she was going to start speaking out loud about all the different features of the forest and other stuff that they didn't really understand. They were willing to listen to their friend ramble about this place though, it's what made her happy.

"Now if we follow here... then we should come right to the clearing just by staying on this path... Yep, good- we're on the right track still... Let's keep walking for now... and wherever the trail goes, we go, alright?" Clover spoke, rambling a bit.

"Um, yes," Astrid agreed, not exactly sure what she was asking them.

They ventured on for a little while longer, Clover mumbling about various plants they passed, and how they should follow the trees and remember them when they came back- while Astrid agreed with whatever seemed agreeable and followed the other through the trees.

"Aha!" Clover announced, stopping in her tracks.

Astrid lightly bumped into her, having been studying her feet as they walked and not paying attention to what was in front of them.

"Hey, watch where you going, asteroid," she whined, playfully.

"Uh, right- sorry."

Clover waved them off, "It's fine," she spoke, almost carelessly. "Anways, look! I think we made it."

Astrid looked to where she was pointing, seeing a small clearing in front of them.

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