Chapter 21

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I woke up unaware to my surroundings, I carefully sat up groaning as intense pain filled my body. I caught a glimpse of myself from across the room in a mirror astonished at how awful I looked. A groan escaped my lips as I attempted stand. I was holding onto the wall just to balance myself. "What are you doing?" A voice asked from behind me. I turned my head to see Sirius. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me tightly. "You were very brave Alyssa." I hugged him back, "I hate that family." He helped me sit on the bed again. "I'm your family, and that's all that matters now." I gave him a small smile. "You shouldn't be trying to get out of bed." I nodded, "I didn't realize how bad I looked." He scoffed, "me either, couldn't even recognize you at first." I rolled my eyes, leaning back. "I'll grab you a plate. You should eat. And then we talk."

When Sirius came back up professor Lupin followed behind him. "Hello Alyssa." I nodded, "professor Lupin." He shook his head, "you call me Remus, now." I accepted Sirius' hand to sit back up. "Here's some soup, and a piece of toast." I looked down at the food, none of it looked very good, but I couldn't say that after what they've done for me. "Thank you."     Halfway through my soup I couldn't eat anymore just holding my arm up hurt. Sirius grabbed a cloth, handing it me. I just shook my head, "not right now." He sighed, "it hurt that bad?" I slowly nodded. "Alyssa, what happened?" Remus asked. I bit my lip not wanting to cry in front of them. "A lot. In the one day I was there. It was too much, I thought I'd be okay, I thought I could make it through the summer." Sirius grabbed my hand, "what did they do to you?" I let a tear slip down, as Remus grabbed my arm showing Sirius the scars. "Lucious?" I nodded looking away, "and a death eater." Remus sighed, "what else happened. You can't walk?" I played with the blankets avoiding their eyes. "Alyssa, talk to us so we can help." I took a deep breath, "he used the crucio curse. When I wouldn't tell them about Harry." Sirius looked at Remus, "wouldn't tell who?"  I lay back, "the death eaters, we were in some graveyard. They cut me and took my blood, I don't know what they were doing." Sirius nodded, "why don't you lay down again. Remus and I are trying to figure out a potion to make you feel better." I gave them a small smile, "I'm sorry for making you come and get me." Sirius shook his head, "they're terrible people, all of them." Remus nodded, "I'm happy you used the bracelet. I would've worried all summer." I sighed, "everything hurts." Sirius gave me a small smile, "it looks like it. I'm sorry they did this to you." I looked at him, "it hurts knowing my own father did all this." Remus shook his head, "I said it before you're much better off away from them, you didn't deserve it." I took a deep breath closing my eyes, I felt the blankets being thrown overtop. "Shout if you need anything." Sirius gave my hand one last squeeze, "you're safe here."

I drifted off into a deep sleep, the next two days I was still in a significant amount of pain. I didn't get out of bed either Sirius or Remus would bring me my meals, they'd sit with me, talk to me, made sure I ate. When I woke up on the third morning  it hurt slightly less to sit up, so I took this as my opportunity to try and walk. It took me a few minutes but eventually I staggered to the bathroom. I locked the door running the shower, I was taken back by the amount of blood that I was washing off. I stared as the red liquid mixed in with the water. I was still in shock that father had it in him to torture me, the man who once loved me dearly, hugged me, made me laugh, protected me, was now planing to murder me. I shook my head trying to push the thought of him out, and I stepped out of the shower drying off, when I got back into the room I saw a sweater lay out for me, i threw it overtop taking off my old and bloodied shirt. It was large on me but it was comfortable. My hair was tangled still, and I had none of my belongings so there wasn't much I could do about it right now. I took a wet cloth wiping off my old makeup, and when I stared at my reflection once more I sighed miserably at how awful and vulnerable I looked.

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