Chapter 70

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Harry came and got me the next morning, "come with me." Hermione and Ron met us in the the common room and the three of us made our way to the astronomy tower. We stood at the edge staring down, "do you think Draco would have done it?" Hermione asked. I took a few steps back letting Harry answer for me. I sat down beside Ron. "What a year," he whispered. I nodded looking over at the lake. "Tell me about it." He nodded, "are you alright? I know Draco becoming a death eater..." I shook my head, "he made that choice. I offered to help him. I tried to, truly." Ron nodded and Hermione wrapped her arm around me, "you're family may really really suck, but you've always had us, and you always will." I nodded looking up at Harry. "I didn't know." He knelt down in front of me. "Alyssa I know that, you don't have to tell me." I sighed looking down, and he forced me to look at him. "Dumbledore gave us all that information for a reason. He knew what was going to happen, and if he told us, we wouldn't have listened to anything else he said. He's a smart man just like you said before." I looked up at the sky, "you're a jerk, but we're right you're a very very smart man sir."

The four of us got into the compartment and I took my seat by the window like usual staring outside at the clouds. When we pulled in I saw Remus and Tonks holding hands, standing beside Molly, Arthur Fred and George. I slowly made my way over letting Remus hug me right away. I took a deep breath enjoying the feeling of comfort. "Let's go home shall we?"

When we arrived I sat down on the couch upset that Harry was forced to go back to Dursley's. Fred and George both sat on either side of me. "Why'd you two graduate?" George smirked, "that bad huh?" I nodded miserably, "that bad." Fred sighed, "you don't need Draco, he's pathetic. A coward." I shook my head, "no he's not, this wasn't a choice, it was his life on the line. And Dumbledore was going to die either way, and he knew it." George nodded, "usually we're good at making light of a situation." I gave him a small smile, "you are, but even you two know that it's only going to get worse from here on out."

After dinner I sat outside watching the sunset. "Beautiful evening isn't it?" I looked up at Remus who was observing the changing sky. "It's nice." He sat down wrapping his arm around me. "Everything went so wrong so fast Remus." I whispered. "I know but that's not you're fault." I sighed, "all school year I knew Dumbledore was trying to prepare me for something bad but anytime I asked he'd ignore the question. He told me I'd hate Draco but i needed to be there for him. How could I possibly be there for him after this?" He shrugged, "it's a lot for him to ask but I'm sure there was a reason." I bit my lip, "he told me to be there for Draco and Harry, I'm sure they wrote home to you when I was in the hospital wing. It was quite clear that he was asking for almost the impossible. I'm not a great person, I know that. Sirius shouldn't have died for me, I hate myself for it everyday. And Draco shouldn't have become a death eater. I was supposed to be the one to kill Dumbledore it was supposed to be my life on the line. But I ran."

Remus shook his head, "no dear. You didn't run. You fought for what you believed was good. And Sirius wouldn't have been able to live with himself if you died instead of him. Alyssa his sole purpose was protecting you and Harry, he loved you two more than you could ever know. Dumbledore wouldn't ask you for the impossible, you owe him to try. He's asking you to help Draco for a reason, and I'm assuming it's because he has no one there for him, exactly how you felt when your started your third year." I smiled, "and then I met you, and you wouldn't leave me alone." He laughed, "exactly, and Draco's not going to want your help. You didn't want mine, but he's going to need it." I hugged him, "I really didn't like you at first. You've grown on me." He rolled his eyes, "you're a funny kid." I smiled, "and you're a good guy."

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