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Skrt Wrong.

Skrt Wrong.

Skrt Wrong.

Skrt Wrong





"Goddammit!" I dropped the red pen in my hand and stared at the splotch of red, now circling on the test paper. It's always him, never anyone else. Each test and quiz always result in failure, as if every attempt made is only to piss me off. And it's working.

The low chandelier light above me suddenly brightened, forcing my eyes closed. It was way too bright at the moment for them to stay open.

A pair of hands rested on both of my shoulders. "Love, what're you doing awake?" His voice was raspy, hinting that I had woken him up. "It's two o'clock in the morning."

I opened my eyes. Only thirty minutes had passed since I left the bed. "I forgot I had to grade these tests, Robert." I moved my head to rest on the top of his left hand. "Every grade that's put in for this quarter is due tonight, and I still have so much to submit-"

My head was lifted and turned. "You don't have work for another four hours, love." My eyes closed again when his thumb caressed my cheek. "Come back to bed (Y/n). The grades can be dealt with during your sixth period. You need to sleep."

Sleep. I hummed at the pleading. "Very well." I removed his hand from my face then pushed the dining room chair back. "I do have one condition, however." Robert raised an eyebrow. "You're bringing me (f/f) for lunch."

A low chuckle escaped my husband's lips. "Anything to get you in bed, love."


"Alright, everyone, settle down!" The thirteen-year-olds did no such thing. They continued to talk loudly amongst one another and create paper airplanes to throw around the room. "Does anyone want to know if they're passing or failing my class? Those of you who are failing are going to get a phone call home!"

The room grew silent. That always manages to shut them up. "The tests that you took last Friday are in the bin. Check your envelope for any other work that you have recently turned in." I sighed and watched my students get up from their desks more quietly. It's a wonder how some students make it to Pre-AP English when they act this way.

"Mrs. Manion?" Ah, the student that I didn't want to see at all. "How did I get a 35 on this?" He tossed the test onto my desk and put his hands on his hips.

I pressed my lips into a thin line. "Jason, did you read Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream?" Jason nodded. "Okay, did you take the study packet that I provided on Thursday home?"

"No," Jason grumbled. "I didn't think I'd need it. And I had soccer practice to go to. Time isn't exactly free for me."

"Free for you?" I repeated, shocked that he would even bring up such a thing. "Time isn't free for anyone, Jason. It may be a precious thread in the fabric of our universe, but that doesn't make it special for anyone."

I massaged my temples with a sigh. I should never have woken up from bed. "Jason," I turned to the eighth-grader, "if you want to get a better grade on that test, I'm giving you a chance to re-take it. After school. Today."

Jason shook his head. "No, I have soccer practice today. I can't miss something like that!"

"Then, you will receive a 35 in the grade book, and your parents will be informed that your grade is below 40 in my class." I gave him back the test paper, then gave him the study guide. "Now, go join your classmates."

Everyone had gone back to their seats, hopefully doing their warm up. There was quiet chatter coming from a small group of students, but I never minded that. As long as there was silence somewhere in the room, it was fine.

Knock Knock Knock Knock

"Keep doing your warm-up, Emily. I'll answer the door." Due to her being the closest student to the exit, I always had her answer the door, but today... I just need to do everything on my own. My patience is as thin as a string of hair.

I opened the door with a sigh, only to shut it when I met a pair of warm hazel eyes. "Robert." A smile spread across my lips. "You're here early."

Robert frowned, his eyebrows creasing together. "I must've read the schedule wrong." A smile quickly replaced the frown when I laughed. "Got you some (f/f), just as you requested. Aaaand..." He lifted the bag and put it in my hands, while his eyes trailed to the right. "Your students are staring."

"Of course they are," I sighed and turned around. Usually, when an adult turns around, they immediately go back to what they're doing. I suppose this time is different. "Is everyone finished with their warm-up?"

A selected few students raised their hands. They were always done quickly, but they always went to read a book or talk amongst themselves. "Is that your husband, Mrs. Manion?"

Robert laughed while my cheeks flushed. "I see why I should've come later." He grabbed my chin and quickly pecked my lips. "Good luck, love. I'll see you tonight."

Cheeky bastard. I shook my head while he walked off, leaving me to answer any questions on my own. "Yes, he is, Chloe." I slowly closed the door, clapping my hands together when I met my students' gaze. "Who's ready to go over the homework from last night?"

(I honestly didn't know what to name this lol. Hope y'all enjoyed it!)

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