Poor Unfortunate Soul

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SoulmateAU! Everyone is born with a ring on their finger. The color of the ring indicates the emotion the person's soulmate is experiencing. The ring turns pink when you meet them but turns black and fades to dust when they die.

Excitement was the only emotion (Y/n) could feel at the moment. Her eyes were glued to the long ticket in her hand. She was reading it for the twentieth time. The bold black words seemed to pop out in her eyes. Black Friday

When (Y/n) first saw on her Twitter that Starkid was working on a new musical, she immediately bookmarked the ticket page and waited for the tweet saying where and when they were to perform.

Anyone that she talked to about their musicals called her crazy or insane. Her reply was always the same: "Nope. I'm just non-stop". She never took it as an insult.

(Y/n) looked away from the ticket and to the ring on her finger. It was currently a stormy grey. An hour ago, it had been yellow.

The ring around her finger was around everyone's finger. It was kind of like a mood ring. It changed colors when a person's emotions changed... but these rings were special.

Instead of the ring matching the wearer's mood, it matches the wearer's soulmates' mood. When the wearer meets their soulmate, their rings turn forever pink, and they could be taken off.

(Y/n) had seen all of her friends' rings turn pink, and she felt lonely after realizing that they were all high school sweethearts. Now, at 27, she was still all alone.

The Apple Watch around (Y/n)'s wrist chimed, telling her that she should begin her walk to the theatre.

After finishing her black coffee, she pocketed her ticket and left the coffee shop with a skip in her step.

The crosswalk light in front of her flashed a red hand. The countdown had reached zero. Everyone groaned and stopped before taking another step forward.

Although the red hand was supposed to tell everyone to stop, a man that was staring at a packet of paper in his hand continued forward.

(Y/n) pushed through the group of people and ran into the street, a car sounded their horn, about to hit the man, but (Y/n) grabbed the man's arm, throwing him back toward the sidewalk. But the car that had sounded its horn was going too fast to stop. With a loud screech, the car collided with her body and threw her further into the intersection.

The man who she had thrown back onto the sidewalk pulled out his phone and called for an ambulance, but at the same time, his eyes glued to the ring around his middle finger. It had turned bright pink.


"Please let me go see her." The man who had been thrown back to the sidewalk was standing at front of a desk in the ICU. Multiple times he had tried to get to the room where it was happening, but the paramedics refused every time.

The woman behind the desk, Alexis, clicked her pen in boredom. She had heard this phrase a hundred times already today. "Look, sir-"

"I just discovered she's my soulmate, okay?! I-I don't know her name or anything about her, please!" The man begged.

Alexis sighed. "Fine. Name."

"Robert Manion. And she's the girl that just rolled in."

"Room 142. They won't let you in until they're done doing whatever they're-" she stopped after looking up from the old Windows in front of her. "Poor soul..."


Robert ran through the halls of the facility, knowing that time was running out. The ring on his finger had faded from pink to grey.

When he stopped in front of the door, a doctor stepped out, a file in her hands. A surprised expression drew onto her face. "Who let you back here?" The doctor asked. "You can't be back here unless another doctor is with you."

Robert lifted his left hand, showing the doctor the darkened ring around his middle finger. "I need to see her. I don't know who she is... all I know is that she's my soulmate."

The doctor bit her lip. She knew the condition of the girl and that her breaths wouldn't last for much longer. "Very well... take your time..."

She stepped aside and watched Robert go in without hesitating. "Poor soul..."


The only sound that could be heard in the darkroom was the slow beeping of the heart monitor. The girl that had saved Robert was lying still in her bed. The only thing moving was her chest that rose and fell slowly.

A folded metal chair rested against the back wall. Robert lifted it off the wall and unfolded it, taking a seat as close as he could to the bed.

"H-Hello?" Robert whispered. He didn't know the girl's name...

The girl's eyes fluttered open, forcing her to wince at the movement. "Wh-Who are y-you?" she asked hoarsely.

Robert's breath hitched in his throat. "I-I'm... my n-name is Robert. Robert M-Manion. I-I'm your s-soulmate," his upper lip twitched, trying to manage a small smile.

The girl's glossy eyes smiled for her. "R-Robert M-M-Manion?" Robert nodded. "W-Wow... a-and to th-think I-I was going t-to see y-you on st-stage..." the heart monitor slowed.

Hot tears fell from Robert's eyes. "S-So, mind telling m-me your name?"

The girl managed a crooked smile. "(Y-Y/n)... (L-L/n)..." she trailed off. A long beep followed.

Robert started to cry. His carelessness had gotten a stranger killed, and not only a stranger but his soulmate.

Out of the corner of his eyes, Robert saw the ring around his finger turn black, then slowly crumble to dust.

Robert Manion x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now