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After dealing with the Lee clan, Sing and I were free to go. The whole time, Sing did not leave my side at all and I appreciated the gesture. We walked to my family restaurant and headed up to the apartment above. When I entered I saw Nadia sitting on the couch looking worried. Nadia heard the front door opened and walked over, when she saw only me and Sing she asked, "Shorter...?" In an almost quiet voice. Sing looked down and I shook my head no as tears began to drip. 

The two of us ran to each other and cried over the loss of our brother, Nadia guided me to the couch. Sing found the tissues and handed it to us, "Ash burnt Shorter's body....nothing remains." The male said sadly. 

"Thank you for telling us." I said through tears. Nadia dried up her remaining tears and excused herself to sleep. I sat on the couch with Sing next to me as I cleared up the water around my eyes.

Sing placed his arm over my shoulders and pulled me in close to him, "I'm sorry, we were too late..." He said quietly.

"No, no one's to blame besides those who caused Shorter's demise." I said as I rubbed my eyes from sleep. "In all honesty, I don't think  Ash would kill Shorter without a good reason. They were always best friends since they became gang leader."

"As true as that may be, we need to know what actually happened." Sing said. and I nodded my head in agreement. 

The two of us ended up falling asleep on the couch embracing each other since neither felt like it was right to leave the other.

~Time Skip~

Days have gone by and thankfully the gang was still okay with me being with them. For awhile I thought they only welcomed me because of my brother, but I've learned it was for my skill.

We heard news of Ash trying to take control of downtown and was going to fight Arthur  with Cain as the referee. We decided to go down to the subway station to observe as well, having our men hide and Sing out in the open with me next to him.

I heard footsteps from the stairs, the two of us turned to face the men who came down. I stood close behind Sing at his side, "Who are you?" Cain asked.

"The Chinese's boss. Soo-Ling Sing and Y/N Wong." Ash answered.

"You remembered me. I'm flattered." Sing said with a slight smirk.

"Ash..." I said with a slight bow. He seemed surprised by my actions.

"How did you know it was here? I had my men comb this place free of rats." Cain asked.

"You underestimate our espionage." Sing answered with crossed arms. "I don't get why it's so hard for you. It's really easy for us." A few seconds went by. "I have the right to witness this fight. They're not the only ones with business downtown. I won't be left out of this." 

"I see." Cain turned to the two other boss's. "So, how about it?"

"Have it your way."

"I say no. This is none of his business." I glared at Arthur. "I don't want some outside snooping around."

"Dear me. A great boss like you leading the biggest gang downtown, scared of a little rat like me?" Sing provoked  which made me smirk. " Or is there a reason you don't want me here?"

"He's right, what are you so worked up over?" Cain asked causing Arthur to Tch.

"Fine, I have nothing to hide anyway."

"Then it's settled. Give me your guns." Ash placed his gun in Cain's hand.

"Ain't got one. Can't pull anything with a trigger." Arthur said as he waved his hand. 

Cain, Sing and I stood in the middle of the platform while the two boss's went on different ends. "Only knives are allowed." The two men took off their jackets. "No dirty tricks. This goes for both of you. Do anything funny, and you'll face us."

They pulled out their switch blades, Arthur was already trying to talk smack. The fight begun and Arthur lunged forward and caught Ash by surprised for a second, "Left!" Sing said. Ash moved out of the way quickly.

"Are you Ash's fan?" Cain asked Sing making me giggle.

"No, I'm not! Y/N stop giggling!" Sing defended himself.

"Fine, fine." I said with my hands up.

"Train!" Ash exclaimed. "A train's coming!"

"Impossible. This line won't run till morning." Cain said.

I listened closely, "He's right, it's coming! This was a trap!" The train then arrived and started firing bullets. We all went for cover, I was two columns from Sing.

"Cain! Give me Ash's gun." He yelled out.

"Take it, boy." Cain slid the gun on the ground.

 Sing caught it, "Don't call me 'boy'."

"Not the time!" I reminded them.

"Ash, Take this!" Sing threw the gun in the air to Ash who caught it and started firing.

Sing whistled and the rest of our men came out of hiding. I stood next to the young boss with my hand blade out from it's hiding spot in my jacket.

"Damn Arthur, how did he get that train? So, how about it?" Cain asked Sing.

"You know my answer." Sing said.

Both boss's gave instructions to their gang. We, the Chinese gang, headed up and got on our motorcycles, I drove my own and noticed Ash and Arthur on the bridge. "Sing, up there!" I pointed out. We got off and ran to get closer, Cain and his gang soon showed up.

I heard someone scream Ash's name, 'Was that Eiji?' I asked myself. When I looked back up, I saw that Arthur squirted blood out of his neck. Arthur fell back off the bridge and Ash raised his knife up in the air in a somber victory.

Everyone cheered Ash's name, "Go back to Japan!" Ash yelling that out confirmed my suspicion. "I...I don't want you seeing me like this!" I made my way through the crowd even when I heard Sing shout my name, 'I have to find Eiji!' The police then showed up. I quickly hid my weapon and soon found Eiji running towards the ambulance.

"Eiji!" I yelled out, but he was determined to be with Ash. I ended up getting arrested as I joined up with Eiji. The two of us were on our knees next to the other's, "He...He really wants you to stay safe, Eiji." I said in a voice that only he could hear.

"Y/N...Ash, he's...." He couldn't make a full sentence due to all he's experienced today. 

"I would say worry about yourself, but that would be hypocritical of me..." I told him. 'Sing'

Wrapped Up (Sing Soo-Ling x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें