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We all stood outside Golzine's mansion mapping out the place and counting security. "Six men at the front gate. Four at the east and three at the north." Everything Sing was saying, I was writing down. "And infrared alarm systems and security cameras." The young boss lowered his binoculars, "He's pretty cautious." Sing stated.

"Who's been inside?" He asked turning his attention to the other gang.

"I have several times, with Ash." Alex, Ash's number two answered. "But only to the salon and back."

"Describe it to Y/N, she will be drawing a map of the place." Sing instructed. "We need to plan where to attack and how to clear out, or we're dead. We're not going in there just to die with you guys."

"Dang, it 's like we're talking with boss." The big guy said.

I placed a hand on Sing's shoulder and with his free hand, he placed it on my hand and gave it a light squeeze. It was one thing to be recognized by your own gang, but it's another to be recognized by a different gang.

Now it was time to finish the plan then execute it.

~Time Skip~

I stood on a branch next to Sing with my blade that's the size of my forearm that had red fabric tied to the hilt.

"That bitch, you know?" One of the guardsmen complained. Sing threw his kunai and had the wire attached wrap around the guys neck. I jumped down and sliced another guardsmen's neck with another guy that came from the bush killing the other. Everybody came out of their hiding spot, Sing signaled us to start running. 

The two gangs parted ways to find their boss. When we turned down a hallway we saw a few mafia men. Killing two of them and knocking one down, "I'll let you live if you answer my question." Sing lowered his weapon. "Where's Shorter Wong?"

The man covering his wound said, "He's dead." 

My eye's went wide for a second then narrowed at the man, "Don't lie." Lao told the man.

"I saw Ash shoot him with my own eyes." The man said in a low voice. My heart felt heavy hearing this, I looked at Sing, but his eyes stayed on the man.

"That cant be. They're best friends." Sing said with slight anger.

"Ask him yourself if you think I'm lying. The devil himself."

"What now, Sing?" The other gang member with us asked.

"Don't tell anybody about this for now." Sing instructed. 

"What do yo-"

 My voice was cut short when the young boss looked at me and said, "Not until we know the truth." I took in a deep breath and nodded as I exhaled.

"But if it really is true?" Lao asked.

"Then I'll kill Ash." Sing said with determination.

"Sing, we should head out if Shorter is gone." I said.

The boss gave me a nod, "Let's go!"

When we got outside there was an explosion close to the mansion. "Stay here. I'll go check." Sing said. I reached out for him, "Y/N...stay with the others." I dropped my hand to my side. "Okay..."

After Sing left, a man with long black hair came up to us and told us he's apart of the Lee clan. I was looking away from his eyes that scanned each of us. "You're coming with me, Soo-Ling Sing." With those word I looked up and saw the young boss. "Make these boys leave right away."

"Who are you?" Sing asked harshly.

"I'm Lee Yut Lung, the youngest brother of Lee Wang-Lung." The feminine looking male answered.

Sing looked surprised, we all turned our attention to the explosion that went off, "Does he plan to die with Shorter's body?" Sing questioned aloud.

"Body? My brother is actually dead?" I asked. 

This caused Yut Lung to look at me, "So you're Y/N Wong...You must come as well." He stated. "Ash isn't that sentimental. Besides he has something else he has to settle." The wind started to pick up and a helicopter made it's way down. "Will you come with me, Y/N and Sing? Or do you wish to be executed here with your friends?" The male didn't give us much of a choice. 

Sing and I joined Yut Lung and sat across from the Lee. My hand was clenched in a fist and shook as I tried to hold back my emotions. Sing seemed to have noticed and placed his hand on mine which calmed me down a little. 

"Why did you do such a thing? If my brothers hear about this you're in big trouble." Yut Lung stated.

"I've had enough with those old guys. Execute me or whatever. The rules can eat my shit." Sing said. I clasped my hands with his and gave it a light squeeze. Sing had a soft look on his face for a second.

Yut Lung smirked at our actions, "Feisty little fellow. Shorter showed respect to the elders, I hear."

"And I respect Shorter. That's why I held back all this time." Sing said with a glare.

"I see. So, how was the Lynx?"

"He's a man eating tiger. His pretty face makes him even scarier." Sing described Ash. "He didn't even see me as an enemy." I rubbed my thumb over his hand. "I hate to admit it, but he's too good."

"You can accept your loss. You're not as bad as you seem. It's no disgrace to lose to him now." Yut Lung seemed to be lecturing the young boss. "A hurt tiger is the most dangerous beast on earth.

"Do you know...why Ash killed Shorter?" I finally spoke up. 

His eyes moved to me, "I'll tell you some day." I couldn't argue due to the predicament we're in right now. "For now, I'll tell my brothers that you two saved me. That way, they'll let you off the hook."

"You're having mercy on us, huh." I said.

All I could do now is wait.

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