"Gideon..." Lyv started.

"If I don't keep silent, you know I will lose it."

"Then a silent goodbye it will be."

Lyv hugged him tight around the waist, but he didn't budge in his stance.

"I love you," she told him. "I'll always love you, my overprotective brother."

She could practically hear his teeth grinding together as his jaw clenched. "I don't like how you're saying that."

"I just...need to let you know, Gideon. Just in case."

"There's no just in case, Alyvia. You're coming back to us. You are."

"I am."


He stood frozen for several long moments before his body relaxed and he wound his arms around her in a fierce hug. The only goodbye he was going to give her was a kiss on the forehead and a wavering smile before he took Elys from Jai.


His hand was warm around hers as he threaded their fingers together and walked with her to Roshan's side. Not only was her family there to send her off, but every single guardsman. They made a makeshift aisle to where Roshan waited, bowing their heads, and whispering prays of safe travels to her. By then, everyone knew what she was doing, where she was heading off to. Roshan, it seemed, was already geared up and ready to go, even though he'd grumbled as soon as Lyv said he'd have to wait outside the city gates once she told him her plan.

With one final look over to make sure every buckle was fastened properly, Lyv turned back to Jai with her final goodbye.

Jai's hands lifted to her face as he leaned his forehead against her. Though he was taking these last few moments to look over every inch of her, Lyv had to close her eyes and will her tears away. Too many emotions were rushing through her, heightened by the pregnancy hormones she tried to hide from him. To him, the only thing he would recognize was her own lavender and sage scent he so loved was stronger. He hadn't realized as to why yet.

"One word down the bond and I'll be by your side," Jai whispered to her as her fingers gripped the back of his jacket. "One word and I'm there."

"You know what will happen if you do."

"Let's try to see them get rid of me that easily when we're fighting together."


"You'll be all right. I know you will. Come back to me as soon as you can...and then we'll celebrate."

"Celebrate how?"

"Any way you want."

"You know, I'm still expecting a honeymoon trip."

"Grandcrest House didn't count?"

"Nope, that wasn't nearly enough time. I'm expecting at least a month. Maybe two."

"Mm, two months alone with you? Sign me up, please."

Lyv laughed as she finally opened her eyes to stare at him. There was no hiding her tears, but Jai quickly wiped them away with his fingers, then kissed a few more away.

"I love you," he whispered to him. "Come back to me, all right?"

"I promise," she nodded, voice cracking. "Just...don't do anything stupid while I'm gone."

"Me? Never."

"I'm serious, Jai. Start packing up everything, though. If all goes according to plan, we'll have to do some major cleanup. I want my childhood home back to the way it was before. No, I want it to be even better than it was. You know, a giant library and a university like my father wanted to build. Not to mention an expansion of market day..."

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