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          Summer was already over yet the ache in my heart never ends. The thing about summer was it was heartbreakingly beautiful in all its golden edges, predisposing you to bask at the glory of its sweltering heat until you get so fired up. It was like a story book with a lovely cover unraveling twists in every chapters that would keep the reader's nerves on edge.
           But the thing about summer and a story-they had to end. But my teenage heart liked to hang on it, I don't want it to end-I don't want us to end.
           How I missed the crown of her long brown hair. I missed her vanilla scent and how the sun rays beamed at her golden silhouette every time we'd kiss in their garden. I fucking missed Betty Adams, my enigmatic sunshine fairy, the one who made me think that sunshine was made of smiles and dreams. But I'd make it up to the time we'd lost soon.
             It was mid- October when I felt a chill run down my spine when I passed by Betty's house as I was riding on my skateboard.
           Hell, it had been two months and my heart was still constricting with thoughts of me being a stupid jerk all throughout summer.              Suddenly, Ynes's pink Mercury pulled up in front of Betty's house. She rolled down her windows. "What are you gawking at Betty's house, you jerk?" She asked with a toothy grin plastered on her pearly white teeth.
         "None of your business," I replied curtly.
         "You know what, why don't your pathetic ass hop inside and let's hang out?" Ynes asked with her lioness pride.
          "I can't, I'd like to see Betty and make up to her." I replied suddenly feeling annoyed by her presence.
Ynes just guffawed at that and shook her head.
         "You're losing your mind, James."
         "Maybe I am." I replied and started to hop on my skateboard, losing my bravado that I had earlier to make it up to Betty. Damn. The guts of Ynes to show up in front of Betty's house without feeling any remorse on what she did to her?
           And then like a cracking sound of a whip-the truth snapped at me-I ruined their friendship. All because of one stupid summer fling, the thing between Ynes and me.
            Suddenly, the wind picked up. The sun started to sink, pin wheeling its golden arms all throughout the neighborhood. Betty and I used to watch sunsets over the bay. It hurts to see another sunset without her by my side. Was she still mad at me? She wasn't even returning my calls, my chats and emails. Maybe I deserve this. But I was hell bent to win her back no matter what pathetic lengths I must take.
              Days passed like a blur. I haven't seen her in Homeroom class, nor in any same classes we have. I paid no attention to the dirty stares I was getting boring holes at my back everytime my eyes would bounce toward her seat. One time, I absent-mindedly raised my hands to our Homeroom class and asked Mr. Linche why was Betty ditching the class and silence grew louder as Mr. Linche just flashed me a sad smile and everything fell into a dead air.
           Damn it James man up, it felt like the whole universe was conspiring against me-taking me away from Betty. Why did they have to be a bunch of assholes about it? Why were they being weird about all these stuffs about Betty lately?
             It was Friday night, I finally made up my mind. I put on my favorite Parka and jeans. I kept my hair tousled and put on my black Vans. I picked yellow daisies at Mrs. Rothchild's garden and customized it into a bouquet. Yellow daisies are Betty's favorite flowers-it suit best to her personality.
              With my bravado tucked in my heart, I borrowed mom's car and drove towards Betty's house. I felt so wired up. Tonight, I would redeem myself to Betty.
"James, I hate you. Get lost!"
"Oh you loved me so much that you slept with my bestfriend. Cool story, James."
"James, you and I are way over."
           No, we're not, Betty. I am sorry. I am so sorry. I felt my knuckles turn white as I maneuvered the car and drove like a devil who just broke loose from hell. Guilt still engulfed me, I heard the tires tear out a loud screech as my throat went dry. I wanted to scream, yet the scream just died in my throat. Beads of sweat budded out on my alabaster skin as I gathered my wits and continued to drive.
"You're losing your mind, James."
           After what it seemed like a crazy twenty-minute drive, I finally reached at Betty's house. The house was booming with sounds blaring over the speakers. It seemed like Betty was throwing a party.
           A party that I didn't know?
Nevertheless, I took a deep breath and cut through the gate. Familiar faces mulled around having a blast and getting drunk. I even spotted Ynes dancing like crazy with some juniors I don't know.
          "Hey! You came! How are you going?" greeted Howard, Betty's big brother as he playfully punched my arms. I felt a pang of fakeness towards his greeting.
           "Uhm, I'm good." I shot back nervously as my eyes scanned the room.
           "I'll go get a punch, see ya around!" He said and leave me alone. Thank God. I wasn't even comfortable around him, he looked like a bouncer that could crush me into bits.
           I headed to the garden-hoping to see Betty. But all I saw were couples making out.
         "Betty!" I managed to call out to her.
          "I'm so sorry. I'm sorry if I was a stupid jerk who hurt your feelings. I miss you so much I love you!" I called out, my voice cutting through the night air.
        "Get a grip James, she isn't coming back!"
         My face turned mottled red with that.
        "Screw you! Just who the hell are you---"
          A fist landed on my jaw as I lost my balance and fell over the ground. The bouquet of yellow daisies scattered around into a pile of mess.
          "Why can't you just accept the reality that my sister isn't coming back? She's gone!" Howard snapped.
         Their shadows loomed above me as I lie motionless in the ground.
         No, she couldn't be.
         I felt my lungs constrict. I caught a glimpse of a crown of long brown hair beyond the shadows. She was smiling over me as her face was marred with deep gashes and it was caked with dried blood.
"James, let's be Peter and Wendy. Let's fly." Betty whispered gravely as she boldly maneuvered her car towards a dangerous spot.
          "Betty! No!" I roared as I tried my damnedest to get a grip onto the steering wheel.
"James, I'm sorry..."
         I heard a shattering of a car glass window and next thing was Betty's vociferous scream as the car lurched forward and flew into the railings that one summer night. I saw her life flashed before my eyes as the yellow petals of those daisies I was about to give to her crushed into bits.

Patient Legal Name: James John Mc Carthy
Patient Id: 50-678223
Consulting Psychiatrist: Dr. Jack Reynolds
General Note/Diagnosis:
James hadn't made significant improvement over the past sixty days. Patient initially presented with features of a major dissociative disorder indicative of PTSD or RTD( recurrent trauma disorder). Patient seemed anxious and unwilling to participate in group activities and solo sessions. Patient kept on having delusions and detachment from reality and kept on insisting to see her dead girlfriend, Betty Adams who died in a car accident last summer. He was with her in the car accident that summer night.

100 mg Zoloft/ once daily for management of depression and anxiety,
Ongoing therapy, with individual and family, with psychiatrist Dr. Jack Reynolds.

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