Hell of a Surprise

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An entry for: Book and Pen Enthusiast Flashfic Writing Contest

Genre: Action

Given Prompt: Killer si guy, target si girl

Required WC: 100-400 words

Winner in Action Category

        Crouching on top of a roof, Marcus scanned the perimeter below through his monocular and clicked on the night vision. Overhead, the sky was full of roiling black clouds that complemented well with what has yet to unfurl. As the black Mirage pulled up in the driveway wherein the supermodel, Hazel Hemmings and her allegedly new flame Johnny Sullivan were onboard, Marcus slightly shifted his position.

        Through his monocular, he could clearly see the nimbus of Hazel's cropped honey blonde hair and her lustrous green eyes which were full of sheer vitality. How he missed Hazel and her hearty laughter. He started to reminisce his childhood days in which he and Hazel used to play in the park—back when he was still a frail and sickly-looking kid. But he was a man now—always on the move, on the run and in the know.

         Finally, Hazel got out of the car, blindfolded as Johnny ushered her inside his duplex.

         "Can't wait to see what you've got for me," Hazel squealed as they waltzed toward the doorway.

         "Yeah it's a hell of a surprise, sweetheart." Johnny replied, smiling mischievously.

            As if triggered by his sixth sense, Johnny felt like someone was snooping on them. He grounded his teeth as he thought of the annoying papparazis. Hell, nothing could ruin his plan tonight; his surprise for Hazel-fucking-Hemmings. Johnny's adrenaline was surging as he led Hazel inside.

           With grace like a panther, Marcus vaulted onto the willow tree that stood across Johnny's room as he held his .45 semiautomatic and focused on the square of his target's back.

          Die, psychopath!

          As soon as Johnny removed her blindfold, he then kissed Hazel passionately as they started toward his bed which was full of rose petals on top.

       "Now, for the most part of my surprise," Johnny said with a sly smile as he fumbled in his pocket. Hazel anticipated with bated breath as she looked into his gray eyes.

       "Will you..." he paused and finally produced a scalpel from his pocket.

       "Rest in peace?!" Johnny continued with a sinister laugh as he pointed the scalpel on her throat.

       Suddenly, a gunshot tore out in Johnny's room and Johnny fell flat on the bed, faced-first.

      "M...marcus?!" Hazel drawled, teary-eyed and unnerved by what had just transpired.

        "When will you ever learn, my dearest sister?" Marcus grunted, clicking his tongue.

UNRAVEL: A Collection of ShortiesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon