Don't Destroy What You Have

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"Oh my goodness! Are you alright ma'am!?" The photographer shot up in panic, running to her aid. Everyone else that saw came running and surrounding her.
"Hold on Marinette." Adrien said removing her from her lap, as his adrenaline allowed him to run towards the crowd encircling Natalie without the help of his cane.
"Here, take my water bottle." A girl said handing her a bottle to drink from. Natalie breathed a thanks, as she tried to regain control of herself. Adrien quickly shoved people aside, and sat right next to her and asked,
"What happened? Are you alright? Why'd you fall down?"

"Calm down everyone! Please step aside. Give her some space. Move!" His father's voice shot in, as he made everyone back up, including Adrien.
"She's fine. Don't worry yourselves, I'm taking her home." He said lifting Natalie to her feet, and walking her towards the exist.
"Well, excuuuse me!" The photographer announced, throwing her hands up.

Adrien ran to them, and helped lift her other arm to keep her steady.
"There's no need Adrien. I can handle this." His father said agitated.
"Why are you acting like everything's fine!? She just fell down and hurt herself-"
"I said it's fine Adrien..."
"Why can't I be concerned about her? What's so wrong with me helping?" Adrien kept going, despite his father's despite seeing his clenched fists, and the annoyance radiating off of him.
"I will take care of Natalie myself!" He said as he stopped walking, and turned quickly to face Adrien.
"Are you not letting me help because she's having dizzy spells similar to mine?" He kept on pestering.
"Adrien!" He said through gritted teeth.
"What are you hiding from me!" Adrien finally shouted at the top of his lungs.
"That's enough Adrien!" He shouted back at Adrien, as he removed his arm from Natalie, and tossed him to the floor.

People around gasped as shock overtook him when he collapsed to the floor with a loud thud. He couldn't even feel the pain from the fall. The beat of his heart had gone wild, and was pounding in his head from fear as he stared at his father. All he could see was hatred, anger, and disapproval. The whole room became silent, as they all stood frozen from the intense situation, as they shifted their eyes back on Gabriel.
"Finish the photoshoot. I'll be back for you when you're finished." He whispered aggressively, before turning away, and quickly helping Natalie out, as the door slammed harshly in their faces.

Adrien still sat on the cold hard floor. Still staring at the door they had just went out of. His arm began to sting, so he brought it to view. It was all swollen and red where his father had gripped him. He felt tears begin to welled up in his eyes as he sat staring at it. In the midst of the silence, he heard footsteps come softly near him. He turned to see Marinette and Nino hovering over him with pity in their eyes. He turned his gaze from them as he felt Marinette knelt down, and sit down next to him.

"Are you okay Adrien. Do you need anything?" She asked him softly, but cautiously. His lip began to quiver as he met her face again.

"I just..." He began, wiping at a tear that snuck from his eye. "Want a father that loves me..."

He hugged himself into a ball, and let the tears slide down his cheeks freely. He tried to fight the sobs that nagged at his throat to come out, as he felt a pair of arms wrap comfortingly around him. He jerked a little in surprise, but the hug was so tight, and so caring, it began to ease him. He took a few weary breathes before he returned the hug tightly, latching on to whoever was hugging him. He shoved his face in their neck to help contain his tears, and squeezed them tighter. They smell like a sweet bakery. He thought, knowing immediately that it was Marinette.

"Here, I got you a tissue." He heard Nino say. He looked up at him holding out a tissue for him. He gave him a mini smile before accepting it, and clearing out his nose.

"Are you okay now?" Marinette asked again, rubbing his back as he used the tissue to dry his puffy face. He gave a nod as Nino offered him his hand to help him stand. He took it, and both Nino and Marinette helped him to his feet, and handed him his cane.

"You poor thing! Such a rude old man. Came here darling. We'll get you cleaned up to finish the shoot, then a treat on me. How about that honey?" The photographer validated, putting her arm around him as well, and leading him to the dressing room.

"Thank you guys." He finally managed to say.


Gabriel lifted Natalie in his arms as he took her up the stairs to her room. She hadn't said a word to him since the incident. He felt anger boiling inside her, but wished not to bring anything up, and make her lecture him. But he felt it coming. He gently placed her on her bed, and grabbed some pillows to help prop her up. After wrapping her in a blanket, he went to get her some water. He handed the full glass to her as she sipped a little from the brim before setting it aside. Still not a word. They both sat in silence as the sound of a clock's tick-tock, and a birds chirp was all that was heard. Until she finally spoke.

"Adrien is alive sir. He still has feelings you know." She said staring off in the distance.

"He was about to figure it out and blow our cover Natalie" He sprung up in defense.

"I don't want to hear your excuse. There is a nice way to do things, and you know that!" She snapped back, cutting him off.

"Now come closer." She demanded. He slowly made his way up to her bedside to listen.

"I want you to look me in the eyes Gabriel, and I want you to understand me clearly." She warned, giving him a completely serious face.

"I will not continue to help you if you're going to treat Adrien this way-"
"But he's not-" He began to interrupt.
"I don't care! Treat him well, and only then will I continue serving you. Understood?"

Silence struck again, as Gabriel look to the floor with defeat.

"Now go pick him up and apologize for your horrific behavior. I'll be fine here." She said, dismissing him from her bedroom. He obeyed, heading towards the door in a huff.

"Don't destroy what you have left." She said before he closed the door behind him.

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