An Innocent Drink

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!Underage drinking is involved in this chapter!


!This isn't the best chapter for younger kids! If you are okay with this, then continue reading! If not, you can skip this chapter!

     Sitting in the back of his father's car, dressed fancily to a T, Adrien gripped his white cane in his hands until his knuckles grew white. He couldn't help but feel so nervous. This was his first outing, other than school, after he had been hospitalized. He knew fans, and other gossipers had been chatting about his stay at the hospital, which worried him about what everyone would say seeing him have to walk with the help of a cane.

He exhaled one last time as a lit up mansion came to view. Balloons, and signs saying 'Happy birthday Jayden!' hung professionally across the whole front of the exquisite home. He let the sight take his mind off of his frets, as he loosened his grip off of his cane.

Jayden is quite famous in the modeling realm, so paparazzi crowded the entrance of the mansion, flashing multiple pictures, and pushing their way through demanding questions like he expected. Gorilla opened the door for him as he trembled, but carefully stepped out of the car with his cane for support. The flashes of the cameras became tense, as he walked along towards the front door. Adrien tried to shield his eyes from the lights, he hadn't gotten used to the flashes since he'd been away from them so long. It began to make it hard to see where he was going, which made him start to worry he'd get another dizzy spell in front of the cameras, or trip and make a total fool of himself!

Thankfully, Jayden came out to meet him halfway.

"Adrien! This is amazing man! I didn't think you'd be able to make it today. I'm so glad you came," Jayden enthused, pulling him into a tight hug. "How is your recovery going?" He asked, offering his arm to help him walk up the front door's steps.

"I had to make last minute arrangements to be able to come..." Adrien scratched his head with a nervous laugh. "I really didn't want to miss it. Happy birthday Jayden!" He said, giving him a big, friendly smile. Jayden smiled back, and helped inside. He was glad he was able to avoid answering how his recovery was going. It's best I don't mention anything about it to anyone! He decided.

He let out an amazed gasp as the mansion's doors opened, revealing all the glittering decorations that covered the entire inside. He smiled brightly, as he soaked everything, admiring the exciting decorations.

"Welcome to my mansion! There is a dance floor down the main hall, a snack bar in the dining room towards the back, and a sit and chill area just to your left! Make yourself at home!" Jayden shouted to be heard over the music, and commotion inside, pointing to each room.

"Oh, there is also a pool in the back in case you'd like to make a splash, if that's possible!" He laughed, as two other magazine models walked up to them both.

"You must be Adrien Agreste, fashion designer Gabriel Agreste's son. It's nice to meet you, I'm Jason Timber." The more sophisticated one reached out his hand to shake his.

"That's me," Adrien replied, returning the shake.

"Oh boy! Adrien the 'carefree radiant lady's lover.'" The more laid back boy mocked, rolling his eyes in a joking manner.

"What happened to you? Weren't people saying he got his butt kicked in a fight or something?" The boy asked aloud with no shame.

"Landon! Rude!" Jayden exclaimed, elbowing him playfully.

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