"Oh, my poor Adrikins! I hope you gain enough strength to walk again soon!" He heard Chloe holler from her seat on the other side of the classroom.
"Thank you for sharing with us Adrien. We all wish you the best of luck for you recovery. Now, let's begin!" She said as everyone pulled out their school books. The worst part is over! Just focus on finishing the rest of school for today. He thought as he watched intensively as Miss Bustier wrote on the green chalk board in front of them.

     The school bell rang as everyone began shoving their books, and homework into their bags. He rubbed his eyes feeling completely drained. School always took it out of me, but never this much. He thought as he stood up supper wobbly.

"You okay Adrien?" Marinette and Nino asked from beside him.

"I think so. I've just been sapped of energy ever since I've been home from the hospital. I have a photoshoot today, and I am not sure how I'm gonna pull it off without falling asleep." He laughed a little rubbing his slowing eyes.

"I just want to go to sleep and be normal again..." He sighed shoving his face helplessly in his hands. A gentle hand rested on his shoulder as he turned to see who it was.

"Well, uh- Adrien. Maybe I- Maybe we could go... With you to your photoshoot." She barely made the words flow from her mouth. He felt a spark of glee go through his body as a smile secretly creased his lips.

"Really?" He asked dumbly.

"That's a great idea Marinette. And of course dude! We're happy to help anyway we can." Nino said giving him a friendly slap on the back.

"I don't know what I'd ever do without you guys! Seriously." He said wrapping them all up into a big hug.


     "Okay Adrien, I need you to look a little more to the left darling!" The photographer instructed, as the camera flashed several times. Adrien followed instinct, and made a few sassy, bad boy poses. The photography smiled in approval at him as she snapped away.

"You doing okay Adrien?" Nino asked checking up on him.

"I'm holding up okay actually. It so much better doing this with a friend nearby! In fact, why hasn't Marinette showed up?" He said peeking around to the entrance in hopes of seeing her walk in.

"I'm not sure. She should be here soon." He said also looking towards the entrance.

"She said she was coming. Hopefully she can still make it." He said with some disappointment in his voice. Nino then gave him a sly smirk, and raised one of his eyebrows.

"What?" Adrien shrugged obliviously.

"I'm here! Sorry I'm late Adrien!" Marinette yelled, bursting through the front door panting.

"I stopped by the café to get you some coffee to help wake you up!" She said shutting her eyes fully flushed, shoving the foam cup into his hands. He grabbed the cup before it fell, and felt his own self become flustered.

"That's so sweet of you Marinette. Thank you." He said giving her the warmest smile he possibly could to show his appreciation. 

     He took the first sip of the steamy hot liquid, and moaned at the delicious taste.

"How did you know I liked peppermint frappe chinos? They're my absolute favorite!" He said beginning to gulp down more of the drink.

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