Beginning 2

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I don't own this video and I don't own any of the music.

Hi,♡ I just wanted to say I'll try to update every Wednesday. If I don't it's probably cause I got lazy sad truth.


Italics mean thoughts
L/n Y/n - last name your name
H/c - Hair color
H/l - Hair length
F/c - Favorite color
E/n - Enemy name
F/d - Favorite drink
n/n - Nickname

~Shoto/A/n pov~

Shoto was on his bed after his training. He was exhausted both physically and mentally. Damm old man why can't he just leave me alone. Shoto let out a sigh and shifted in his bed trying to find a comfy position. He sighed again and got up from his bed. "I can't sleep. Wow(note the sarcasm)". He walked around his room hoping he would become sleepy. Then he stopped and looked at his mirror. " I wonder what I saw in the mirror? Was it a girl? Why was there a girl in my mirror?" He stared at the mirror and sighed once he saw it was empty with only his reflection. "I need sleep I'm turning delirious."(big word moment) Shoto turned around and headed to his bed when he heard his door being opened. He yeeted himself into bed and pretended to be asleep. Soon came in his sister Fuyumi she had come to check on him. Thank God it's only Fuyumi.

♡Time skip to the morning♡

Shoto groaned as he got up to get ready. He suddenly stopped and turned to his mirror it showed another room. He got closer and saw a girl cleaning. That's the girl I saw last time!? He saw the familiar girl move around and then turn. She froze and fell onto her bed. She looks scared I wonder why though?
Shoto then realized he was why she was scared. "Uh hi?" Shoto spoke in a stupid tone.

Y/n|A/N pov
Y/n was cleaning when all of a sudden she felt like she was being watched. So she turned and saw a guy looking at her. Omg! Why is My mirror open! FUCK! I was cleaning my mirror! Then y/n walked back and hit her bed and fell on it. She was looking at her mirror in complete fear. A guy was looking at her. "Uh hi?" Y/n's eyes widened even more and she shrieked. "WTF OMG THERE IS A GUY IN MY MIRROR AND HE TALKED TO ME!" Y/n ran out of her room and tripped on the way out. "Oof!"

A few moments later (SpongeBob guy
voice) A/n pov

You came in the room with a knife(like if you could do anything with that) You slowly walked to the mirror from the side. Then you walked to the front of it with your knife out. "Who are you!" You said a little loud. The boy looked at you with a shook expression but it faded and turned into him laughing a little. (🥺)
"What's so funny!?" You were offended by his laughter towards you. Once his beautiful laughter stopped he looked at you with teary eyes (due to him laughing) and then he spoke. "I'm sorry If I scared you I mean no harm." You nodded slowly. "Ok, but who tf are you?" You replied.

He paused and looked at you suspiciously and then stroked his chin to imply he was thinking.

" I don't know if you want to harm me." He said in a monotone voice.

You looked at him dumbfounded. "What?" You replied. "You heard." He replied monotoned again.

"Welp I guess it only fair? Um, I'm not gonna hurt you either and my name is Y/n L/N." You replied.

"Ok then. My name is Shoto Todoroki from UA." He said. (I am not 5 weenies)

"UA? What is that?" You asked confused.
...... silence

"You don't know UA? The most famous Hero school? Are you from the states? But they also know about UA? Do you not have a quirk?" He asked very confusedly.

"A Hero? Like spiderman?! What's a quirk? I'm from Japan??" You answered confused as well.

"Spiderman? You don't know what a quirk is!? How are you from Japan and not know about UA? Do you not know All Might?!" He was not only confused but concerned.

"There isn't a place called UA also who is All Might? And you don't know Spiderman? And answer my question! What is a quirk?" This was so confusing.

" A quirk is a power you get from birth from either of your parents but it develops around the age of four. I have ice and fire as my quirk. All might is our Symbol of Piece his quirk is a mystery but it is very powerful." He replied.

Symbol of piece? Quirk this makes no sense it sounds like from a Manga or something.

Shoto Pov
Who is this girl!? How does she not know anything is she that dumb? How is she from japan? And who is Spiderman is he a new hero?

" um, Todoroki is it?" She spoke with her soft voice. Soft voice! What the heck shoto? Why are you even thinking that! "Hello?" She waved her hand around. "Yes, I am Todoroki," I replied regaining my composure. She looked at me weirdly "Ok then anyways Todoroki uh don't you think it's weird that I have never heard of a quirk?" She asked. " Well yes because everyone has heard of a quirk due to the majority of people having one," I replied. She paused for a moment.

"Then how come everyone I know has no quirk?" She asked confused.

No quirks?! WHAT! How is this possible is she lying? This hurts my brain a bit.

"I know it may seem as if I'm lying I thought you were lying as well but if you want I'll show you." She pointed at her phone.

If she has a phone she would get notifications of villains or Heros? She would know about UA as well.

"Search All Might up," I told her.

"You could have said please." She scoffed typing in her phone.

I should search Spiderman up as well. I started searching finding nothing.

"Todoroki?" She called my name.

I looked up to see a screen with the words.
No results found

Cliffhangerrr for you Cliffhanger for me! At least they started talking? Don't worry I'm sure they will figure this out!

Anyways have a good day/night!
Also sorry if I put BTS music or my personal favorites.

I love this song btw. Blueberry eyes 🥰 it's so Romantic. Anyways byee love yourself ♡

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