Theories 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own the music or video!

I update every time I get bored so yeahhh sorry about that.

Italics mean thoughts
L/n Y/n - last name your name
H/c - Hair color
H/l - Hair length
F/c - Favorite color
E/n - Enemy name
F/d - Favorite drink
n/n - Nickname

*side note*

If I mention anything bout hair please ignore it if you don't want any hair.


÷shoto pov÷

"Well, then there is only one way to find out" L/n spoke out standing abruptly.

"And what way would that be?" I questioned the now-standing girl.

"By testing it out duhhh," she said making me sound stupid.

"Well I don't think it's a good idea it's too reckless," I said shutting down her idea.

)Y/n pov(

Did he just say my idea is too reckless? How dare he! Isn't he supposed to be like a superhero?

"Well, I think it's a great idea." I said shooting him a glare.

"Then you try it out and die trying," he said with his annoying monotone voice.

Fuckkkk youuu!!!

"Fine! I will! You just have no balls" I said now very triggered.

//Shoto's pov//

She won't do it. And did she just say I have no balls? What is wrong with this girl?

As I was thinking to myself about how crazy L/n is she suddenly ran out of her room.

What the...

"OK! I HAVE A BASEBALL BAT!" L/n suddenly came running back in.

That was fast.

"How is a baseball bat of any use?" I said as she walked towards the mirror.

"Just in case I get sent to another dimension." She said rather bluntly.

How is she not worried this will fail.

"Aren't you being a bit too passive?" I said hoping she would change her mind.

I kind of want to see her in my room.. wait.. I meant like in person.. this sounds so wrong never mind..

"I am actually terrified but it's not every day you get to cross a mirror." She answered my earlier question.

◇Y/n pov◇

I am terrified but intrigued.. ugh I need therapy.

"Well enough chit chat I want to go through this mirror," I said getting closer to my mirror.

"Don't do it." Todoroki finally spoke out.

"Too late," I said as I pressed my hand against the mirror.

☆Author pov♡

Y/n pressed her hand against the mirror hoping that something magical would happen.

"What a disappointme-" y/n was about to speak when suddenly there was a bright light.

Y/n began to feel a cold breeze along with a light pain in her palm.

"What's happening!" Said Todoroki fear evident in his voice.

The light that was blinding the two teenagers was bright white along with bright red sparks.

Parallel (Shoto × Fem Reader) [THIS STORY IS NOT COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now