"A kiss?" I chuckled dryly. 

"I thought I told you, your eyes get darker when you're lusting," he smirked. 

"I'm not lusting after you, bellboy," I scoffed. 

"Okay," he nodded, "When you're aroused." 

"I see you're just as insane, if not more than I thought you were." 

"Or attracted." His eyes caught mine. 

"I'm not attracted to you, Miles," I shook my head. 

"Liar," he teased. 

"I'm not, Ethan, get over yourself," I pushed him back, opening the door, leading him out and to the front door. 

"Keep telling yourself that, Oliver. I'll see how long you last," he smirked. 

"I'll definitely last longer than you did when you saw my legs," I replied smugly. 

"For god's sake," he laughed, shaking his head lightly while I opened the front door. 

"See you tomorrow, Ken," I smiled.

"Okay, Oliver Twist," he grinned before walking out. 

I closed the door, rolling my eyes and locking it before going into the kitchen to get some food. Through my kitchen window, I could see his kitchen since our windows were opposite to each other and I saw him coming in, giving his mom a hug and starting to help her with dinner but I didn't see his dad anywhere so maybe Mr. Archer was still at work or somewhere else. 

I turned on the stove and grabbed pasta for myself. "I hate you, I really hate you, so much I think it must be true love," I hummed, scolding myself for letting it stuck in my head. 

While I made my dinner, every time I would look up, I could see the way he very clearly got along with his mom, and almost halfway through, even his dad joined them and they all had fun cooking together. 

Then there's me. Cooking and eating dinner alone. 

"I should get a dog, even a fucking chihuahua is better than dinners alone," I mumbled while grabbing a glass of water and going up to my room. When I got to my room, my phone was ringing. "Hello?" I answered while sitting in bed. 

"Olivia Carrington," she huffed. 

"Yes, Skylar Blossom?" I asked mockingly. 

"Where the hell have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" she exclaimed. 

"You saw me on Friday, today's Sunday. And I told you, I had that party last night and you know I don't really do anything on Sundays," I replied. 

"Fair enough, I have a bone to pick with you, young lady," she huffed. 

"What's up, grandma?" I asked, putting the call on speaker. 

"Were you out with Ethan Archer today?" she asked. 

"Ethan Miles Archer?" I questioned. 

"Yeah, you know another Ethan Archer? Exactly. Were you with him?" she repeated. 

"Maybe," I answered. 

"And rumor has it Justin saw you with him last night," she said. 

"Yeah, maybe," I shrugged. 

"What do you mean 'maybe?' Liv," she said warningly. I put the call on speaker and pulled up Ethan's contact on my phone. I smiled at the nickname, Devil's Bellboy. Ha. 

I texted him: It's an EMERGENCY. 

"Hello? Liv?" Skylar asked. 

"Uh, yeah. Just one second," I cleared my throat. 

He replied a minute later: What's up? 

Next time someone tells me they have an emergency, I'll reply with 'what's up?' 

I said: Skylar is asking about you. What do I tell her, bellboy? Answer quickly. 

And then he wrote: I haven't told my friends yet but if you tell her, I'll tell them. 

And he probably can't make any promises about his friends keeping their mouths shut. 

"Olivia!" she exclaimed. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm here." 

I texted him: I'm not telling her, don't tell your friends, Miles. 

"What are you asking?" I acted dumb. 

"Are you and Ethan like... together? After hating each other since pre-school? No. That doesn't make any sense," she scoffed. 

"Make it make sense, Sky. We're dating," I said nonchalantly. I have to act blunt and nonchalant, otherwise, she'd know I was lying. I'm a fantastic liar, as you probably know by now, but if someone can read a liar, it's either their best friend or the person they love. 

"Y- you're DATING? You wanna tell me that you've hated this guy for years and now suddenly, out of nowhere, without letting anyone guess, you're his girlfriend?" 

Right, that doesn't quite add up now, does it? 

"We've been dating for a while, Sky. Obviously, it didn't just happen out of the blue," I scoffed, wincing at how casually that came out of my mouth. I am most certainly going to hell. 

"What do you mean a while? How long is a while?" she questioned. 

"Like a few weeks," I mumbled. 

"How many weeks, Olivia?" 

"Like two- two and a half?" That came out more like a question. 

"Two whole weeks you've been with this guy and you haven't told me?" she asked, sounding stunned. 

"I don't talk about my love life with anybody, you out of all people know that," I replied. 

"I know that but... okay, whatever. Please tell me he's a good boyfriend though. You deserve that after Justin," she sighed, her voice softening. 

Guilt struck me like lightning. I closed my eyes, pinching the bridge of my nose. "He treats me well, Sky. Really good. He's amazing," I answered. Now that I've said that, he's going to have to play a great fucking boyfriend because if he doesn't, I swear to god, I will kill him. 

"Then I'd like to meet your amazing boyfriend at school tomorrow. See how your nemesis turned into your love, hmm?"






Chapter 7

Sky sounding sus of Liv

omg someone calls you sus in among us and you're dead, you're getting voted out, idgaf who defends you.

PSA- The Stuck In Paris published copy is going LIVE on Amazon and I'll put up the link both on my Instagram and on Wattpad so make sure to go buy your copy and if you want a FREE ONE, then hit me up and I'll have it shipped to you

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