//47// Fake Royalty

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WARNINGS: swearing.

John returns after a while. I don't spend my time counting the minutes but it doesn't seem long. He wraps his arms around me and I return the sentiment. Somehow I know that everything isn't back to normal yet. That is made clear when we walk outside and find the prisoners in their beige jumpsuits, the children of Gabriel, and the people of Sanctum all stuffed in the square.

Clarke and Madi are at the top of the wooden stairs we arrived on. I smile and walk down the palace steps. I ignore the people telling me that I'm infinite and go to my friends. In an attempt to keep my appearance of a Prime, I just smile softly at them.

Clarke smiles back. "We're okay?"

I nod. "Yeah. We're fine."

Madi smiles at me. "You look beautiful."

I laugh a bit. "That seems to be the general consensus."

Indra walks up the stairs behind them and I smile. "What happened on the mothership? Did you kill Russel? Please tell me you did," I say, frowning a bit.

"There's been a little setback," Clarke says.

Behind Indra, the Wonkru army that was asleep in cryo emerges. My eyes widen a bit as I realize this means we'll all be living down here together. My eyes widen even more as I notice a man holding Russel by the arms.

I grit my teeth. "Tell me you'll execute him."

Clarke grabs my arm and pulls me to stand by the gardens. "Do you really have to speak that way around Madi?"

"Please," I scoff, rolling my eyes. "She's been through more than all of us combined. She isn't a child anymore. I doubt she ever had the chance to be."

"And now I'm trying to give her that opportunity. With the Flame out of her, she can be a kid again. So, please just don't talk about anything questionable around her," she says, keeping her hold on my arm.

I nod. "Fine. She's your kid, you can figure out what to do with her."

"Thank you," she says, leaning a little closer to me.

Her breath smells strange. Like carrots or something. My stomach lurches and my hand flies up to my mouth. Without warning, I push her away and lean over a bush, throwing up. I wipe the corners of my mouth as I stand again, shaking the dizziness from my head.

"Cam, what happened?" John asks quickly, grabbing my arms.

I ignore his question, laughing quietly. "Still think I look beautiful?"

Jackson takes John's place as he grabs my biceps and examines my body. "What happened?"

"I just smelled carrots on her breath and threw up. I feel a little dizzy too," I say quietly, squeezing the blurriness from my eyes.

"Here," he says, lowering me to sit on a rock. "When was your last cycle?"

"You think she could be pregnant?" John asks, eyes wide.

"No, that's impossible," I say quietly, shaking my head.

"Denial is normal-"

"It's not denial, Jackson," I say firmly, clenching my jaw. "I can't have children. My mother didn't want what happened to her to happen to me so she took care of that."

Silence follows my words.

I laugh a bit. "Yeah. She wasn't the kindest woman, that's for sure."

"I should examine you then. You might have caught a virus," Jackson says, nodding.

"Not now. People were hurt worse than me in that riot. You should help them. I can wait," I say.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now