//32// Homecoming

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WARNINGS: swearing, violence.

"Maybe you'll actually get me on my ass this time," I tease Echo as we circle each other on the mat.

She shrugs slightly. "Shouldn't be too difficult."

"I'm guessing you think that every time," I say, grinning.

She frowns. "Just shut up."

I nod as she goes to punch me. I block her with my forearm, kicking at her stomach. She recovers quickly like she always does, punching my nose. My head pops back but I jump as she tries to sweep my legs. I swing at her jaw, making contact. I back off for a second, allowing her to recuperate and raising my fists. She scowls, attempting punches at my jaw, nose, gut, cheek. I block them all, punching her in the stomach and sweeping her legs so she falls hard on her hands. She slams her hand on the mat, standing in frustration.

She has her fists raised again. She's getting more emotional and I know that I can use that. Her fist comes toward my face but I grab her wrist, twisting it into an uncomfortable position. She cries out for a second before sending her free fist at my cheek. I block with my forearm, wrenching her wrist so that she falls to the ground. I pull on her arm, moving to her level to bar her neck with my legs. She can't move in this position but she still tries to break free.

"You know I'm not letting go until you tap," I tell her.

She reluctantly taps on my thigh. "Say what you want, you are on your ass."

I laugh, releasing her and standing quickly. "By choice."

I offer her my hand and she takes it. I pull her to her feet and smile softly at her. She's off today. Despite my taunts, she can usually put up a better fight than that. She's better than this. Maybe half the time she gets me to tap.

"Something wrong?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"No. Why?" she asks.

"Usually, you're better than that," I say, pointing at the ground and walking to the dining table.

She sits across from me. "I just didn't sleep very well."

"We all know what that means," I say, winking at her.

She laughs a bit. "Don't judge me."

"Are you kidding? Do you know who you're talking to?" I ask, shaking my head.

She grins. "What about you then? Did you sleep well?"

"I never sleep well," I say, grinning right back.

"Can you shut up!? I'm getting grossed out!" Raven shouts from her screens.

"It's not our fault that you're sexually frustrated!" I shout back, making Echo breathe a laugh.

"It kind of is. You took all the dudes on this thing," she says, gesturing to the walls.

"I could always throw you a bone," I say, smiling at her.

She smiles back. "Is it worth Murphy punching me in the face?"

"Why are you even asking? You know it is," I say, raising my glass of water to her.

She laughs. "Yeah. That was a dumb question."

"Well, I'm one of the only people on this thing who hasn't experienced it so I'll take your word for it," Echo says, sipping from her cup.

"Three out of seven passengers, I'll take it," I say, smiling.

"Was there anyone else in the hundred?" Echo asks.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now