//34// Covert Operation

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WARNINGS: none that I can think of :)

I'm not back in Polis long before everyone returns. That includes my friends in the rover. I let Echo reunite with Bellamy as I hug Harper and Monty. They both seem tense for some reason. That's when I realize that Emori isn't among them.

"Where is she?" I ask quickly.

Harper sighs. "We found John in the woods. He had some kind of collar around his neck. As soon as we left their territory, he was shocked by the thing. We had to leave him behind. Emori stayed with him."

I nod, chewing on the inside of my cheek. "Great."

"Mari, are you alright?" Monty asks slowly.

"Why wouldn't I be? My boyfriend is running around in the woods with his ex. I'm sure this'll end with us having sex instead of the opposite," I say, nodding and turning around.

Harper grabs my arm. "He'll be alright, Cam. You know that it's hard to kill a cockroach."

I smile at her. "Thank you."

"She's not welcome here. You have twenty four hours to clear out."

I turn to find Octavia lecturing Bellamy and Echo. I walk to stand beside her. "What's going on?"

"You enjoy the traitor's company too then?" Octavia asks quickly.

"She's my friend, O. She's been good to us. She isn't a threat-"

"She's made it clear, Cam," Echo says, glancing at me then back at her. "I'll be gone by dark."

Octavia just nods, walking off.

I frown. "You can't possibly be leaving."

She smiles at me. "I'm a spy, aren't I? Maybe the prisoners will have me, huh?"

I smile. "I'll take that action."

"We need you here," Bellamy says quickly.

"They have my father and possibly John. I'm going, Bell," I say.

"And I have just the mission for you," Monty says, leading us toward the bunker.


The plan is simple. Echo and I will pretend to defect when in reality we'll be spying. Monty gave her a flash drive that can disable their monitoring of Wonkru. Raven will know what to do with it when we get there. Now all we have to do is run to the ship and not die while we're there. Easy enough, right?

I'm in a group of people. Most are saying silent prayers under their breath or hugging each other. It's time to go. I pull on hands and shout at people to start moving. We start to sprint and I immediately hear gunshots. Whoever is shooting won't shoot Echo or I. Octavia knows about our plan and actually supports it. So, while these people may die, we won't which is the important part. I take her hand, running faster so that we reach the ship. A surprising amount of defectors still made it despite all the bullets.

The ramp we ran onto is pulling up as we stand in a metal hallway. Soldiers are shouting at us and pushing us against the wall. They take all my weapons and anything shiny I may have. My soldier also places a metal collar around my neck. It's cool to the touch but I don't mind much. Echo hides the flash drive inside a woman's injury. She gives me a tiny nod to signify that it's safe.


I look up to find my father in the hallway next to a woman with sharp features. She's wearing a beige jumpsuit just like the others. I turn back to Marcus, noticing things I didn't before. He let his grey beard grow out long. His hair has taken a greyer feel too.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat