//37// Betrayal To Success (end of season 5)

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WARNINGS: swearing, violence.

"You're a cute, little thing, I'll give you that," McCreary says, lifting my chin with one of his fingers.

We're in the transport ship. They've taken Diyoza away but Marcus is still in the room. He seems extra angry now. Especially with the soldier holding my arms behind my back. My eyes return to McCreary and I examine him a little more closely than I ever have. He has brown hair and a beard. His skin is rough. I watch his eyes flit quickly between mine. He seems paranoid about something.

I smile. "This wasn't my decision. Wasn't even my plan. I don't want to be here."

"Well, you are," he says, releasing me and walking to Marcus. "Now to work."

"Only if you promise that she'll be safe," he says, pointing to me.

McCreary grins. "Of course. The same can't be said for her friends we kept here first. What were their names? Raven and...Murphy?"

I pull against the soldier's grip angrily. "I swear to god, if you touched him-!"

"Feisty," he says, turning to look back at me. "What fun you'll be."

The soldier sits me down in a chair and walks off while Marcus and McCreary stand by a table. They begin talking strategy as I let my eyes wander. This ship really is incredible. The electronics are far more advanced than the rocket we took up to the ring. I wouldn't mind taking it for a spin but I know it's much too risky to just start flying it.

After maybe an hour, gunshots are heard from the radio on McCreary's belt. He tells his soldiers to remain in position and guard the gorge. This means they'll be far away from John. That's good enough for me. Though I know that Bellamy is in the trenches with Octavia and Indra. They don't deserve to feel the heat of our betrayal. Well, technically I didn't say anything. I wish I could absolve myself of all blame with that one flimsy statement but my guilt is still creeping up onto me.

Surprisingly, my plan wasn't just to follow Marcus into enemy territory unarmed. I have a switchblade hidden in my boot. Like a bunch of idiots, they decided not to search me. My entire plan is to basically cut McCreary's throat when he isn't paying attention to me. Which, so far, has proven difficult. He can't keep his eyes off me.

I would be creeped out if I hadn't been in this exact situation a thousand times before. Well, without the war but it was pretty much identical.

McCreary places his radio on the table and allows the screaming and gunshots to be heard throughout the control room. I bite into my fingernails, listening to their pleas for life. My heart hurts. I did this to them. We all know that I could easily take Marcus out. It'd be more difficult with Diyoza but I could do it. This is my fault. No, I didn't directly cause this but I let it happen. This...bloodbath. I find tears jumping into my eyes but I push them away. Not now. I'll cry when John is with me again. When he's safe. That's all I can focus on at the moment.

"I'd like to see Abby now," Marcus says to McCreary.

McCreary nods at one of his soldiers. "Take him to her. Make sure the blonde and her kid are brought to the church."

The soldier nods, escorting Marcus from the control room.

I lean back in my chair. "Who's the blonde?"

He grins at me and it's only then that I realize we're completely alone. "Your friend. Clarke, I think it was."

"Crap," I say under my breath, shaking my head.

"Turns out," he says, walking closer to me, "she's a traitor too."

Clarke always has reasons for her actions. I'm sure she thought this through. She had to. She was the only one with any real sense when we first landed. It wasn't me who tried to go to Mount Weather, it was her. She knew how to protect us and how to keep us alive. We can trust her. Please, tell me we can trust her.

Survive, if you can // John MurphyWhere stories live. Discover now