Chapter 8

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The Bakugou rescue squad creeped out of the UA dorms, stealthily maneuvering as to avoid the security system placed around the grounds. They were dressed in their hero costumes, with a few updates they got from Hatsume a few hours prior, and Iida carried a suit made just for Izuku. They didn't tell him they were getting him a suit, but Mina managed to get his size while they were at his house, and Todoroki had a few ideas on what gadgets to give him as to better protect him.

They arrived at Izuku's house, who was waiting for them next to the garage.

"Here." Iida said, handing Izuku the suit. "Put this on."

Izuku looked down at the suit and ran his hands over it. "Is this... is this a hero suit?"

"Yes. You'll need some sort of outfit for this rescue mission."

"Thank you!" Izuku whisper-shouted, tears in his eyes, as he hid behind the bushes to change.

Todoroki scanned him and nodded. "It fits well. Now let's go."

Izuku pulled out a map. "This way." And led the group away from his house and towards the League of Villains's hideout.

After what felt like hours of turns, the Bakugou rescue squad made it to the abandoned bar. They could see lights coming from inside, but didn't hear a thing.

"Let's get closer." Todoroki suggested.

Izuku held up his hand for them to stop and hide behind an alley wall. He then snuck over to underneath the window, alone. He positioned his head underneath the window sill, his body hidden by the bushes in front of the building. The rest watched him with hesitant breaths. Izuku turned to look at them, giving them the okay to move forward. The teens moved quickly, each positioning themselves so they were hidden by the bushed before moving to their assigned attack spots.

Two voices came out of an alley way over to the side. The hero students paused, not ready to be caught. But Izuku wasn't having it. Before Todoroki could move to stop him, he slipped out behind the two villains. With two quick strikes to the back of the head, Izuku knocked out both villains. Tying them up, he dragged them into an alley, just out of view from the bar. The class 1-A students' mouths fell open. No wonder Bakugou is friends with him. Kid just took out two villains without a quirk.

Izuku quickly ran back up to the bushes, motioning for everyone to continue with the plan. They nodded, and moved to their positions. Izuku sent out a small signal to the bracelets they were all wearing.




Todoroki burst down the door with his ice, while Mina melted away a wall with her acid. The students quickly flocked inside the bar, each targeting whatever villain was closest to them, leaving Izuku to find Bakugou.

Izuku ran down the hallway, dodging the villains who tried to grab him. He noticed a door at the end of the hall with a lock on it. He could hear rattling coming from inside. He pulled out the baton Todoroki gave him, a steel rod reinforced with iron, and smashed it down on the lock, bursting his way inside the room.


Bakugou was chained to the opposing wall, his eyes widening upon seeing Izuku.

"Deku! What the ever loving FUCK are you doing here?!"

"I came to help rescue you!" Izuku ran over to Katsuki, pulling out a little lock picking kit to try and pick the locks.

"Get out of here you dumbass! You're gonna get yourself killed!"


"He's right you know~" a voice called from behind them.

Izuku turned around, barely dodging the knife that embedded itself in the wall behind him, right next to Katsuki's head.


"Awww! You know who I am! And you're so cute! You'd make an amazing play thing~"

Deku pulled out his baton, swinging as he dodged a stab from Toga.

"Ooooo~ Aren't you fun! Now I really want to play!"

Toga and Deku rounded each other, neither quite fast enough to land a solid hit. Instead, only managing little knicks and bruises.

"Damn it Toga! Finish him!"

"Aww, Shiggy, you're no fun!" Toga frowned.

Shigaraki joined Toga, giving Deku a second opponent to worry about. Slash. Dodge. Grasp. Kick. Dodge.


With Shigaraki keeping Deku distracted in front, Toga snuck behind, stabbing him in the stomach.

"DEKU! NO! DEKU!" Katsuki thrashed against his chains. His wrists bleeding from the friction.

Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, Todoroki, and Iida rushed in. They saw Toga standing over Izuku's body, Shigaraki heading to wrap his hands around Bakugou's neck.

Todoroki threw up a shield of ice, blocking Shigaraki from reaching Bakugou.

"Toga! Get them!"

Toga rounded on them with a manic gaze, then she stumbled, a red wound appearing on her stomach. 

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