Chapter 3

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It started out as a normal day for Katsuki. Homeroom in the morning, followed by some useless core classes and training against the extras in his class. Nothing too challenging. In fact, he was just walking to lunch with what his classmates liked to call the Bakusquad when the portal first appeared.
    It was a purple and black swirl of mist at first. Students began stumbling backwards, moving away, a few running to get teachers. Bakugou stepped forward, explosions crackling in his hands.
    "Four eyes! Run and get a teacher! Shitty hair, Soy-sauce, Raccoon eyes, and knock-off Pikachu, move students back. Icyhot and I will keep any villains at bay until the pros arrive."
    "Now Shitty hair!"
    Villains began appearing from the mist, Bakugou recognized a few of them from what his teacher called the League of Villains. Todoroki created a wall of ice between the villains and students, one that was quickly destroyed by one of their quirks.
    From that point on it was absolute chaos. Quirks were going off in every direction as students tried to fend off the approaching villains. Bakugou found himself trying to defeat two villains. A crazy girl who was just a bit too fast for his liking and a burnt bastard firing out blue flames. Bakugou was just managing to keep both of them at bay when he felt a blow to the back of his head. And the world went dark.
    It felt like hours, but in reality could have only been a few minutes when he blinked his eyes open. The cafeteria was generally clear, and across from him stood a bunch of pro heroes. As he grew more aware, Bakugou could feel a hand on his neck, one finger staying barely an inch away.
    "Let go of the student, Shigaraki."
    "Sorry Aizawa, but this one is ours now. He's gonna make a perfect villain." The person holding him ground out in a scratchy voice.


    Shit. Not Izuku. No. Bakugou began to struggle as he saw his green haired boyfriend pushing past some of the pro heroes holding him back.
    Damn it Izuku. Fucking stay back.
    Bakugou watched as his boyfriend eyed the villains holding him and the pros. His emerald eyes flashing.
    "No." Bakugou said.
    Izuku's eyes met his.
    Izuku glanced around one more time and moved closer to Aizawa.
    What is this nerd doing? He needed to get out.
    Aizawa's eyes moved from the scared, burnt nugget to the man holding my neck. At the same time Cementos put up a wall of cement to block Burnt nugget's flames. I could see Aizawa jumping over the wall to throw out his capture weapon. Just as it was about to reach me, I felt myself being pulled back into the portal.

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