Letter Four

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Dear Mark,

Some people never move on from high school.
Mark, you're one of those people.

You're the type of person who peaks and then goes down from there.
The kind that lives on in the good old glory days of high school football and easy cheerleaders.
You're the guy that bullied everyone  and never saw anything wrong with it.

I never understood how people like you managed to garner a crowd.
Perhaps it was fear or jealousy?
Maybe some kind of negative emotion that kept people under your dark wings.

Whatever it was, I know that it doesn't last forever.

Eventually people get tired of the same song and dance.
One day people grow sick of watching the little guy get pummeled.
And when that time comes, people like you lose.

The day that happened was the day that you lost Kai.

Kai was who he was in high school.
A Wallflower.
The one who sees everything but always remains in the background.

He saw what you were doing to me.
He saw what you were doing to others.
He saw but he never said anything.

You were cocky.
You always thought that Kai would remain by your side.
You assumed that he'd never leave your godly presence or he'd lose the booze and the drugs and the easy chicks too.
I think, maybe that's how you controlled him.
You went and gave a Wallflower a place to fit in and left him to his own devices.

But, like I said, you were cocky.
You never thought the day would come where you would officially lose his favor.
That cockiness is what will always be your downfall.

I never told my close friends about you because I wanted to handle you on my own.
Once before I allowed a man to determine my worth.
Once before I let a man tell me who I was.
You know what?
Never again.

You thought it was stupidity that made me stand up to you time and time again.
You're wrong.
It was confidence and stability.
Two things I sorely lacked in the past but had found my way towards gaining those new attributes.

If you don't grow from the pain then you never truly learned your lesson.

I had grown.
So had Kai.

Had you bothered to get to know him, you would've realized that.

When you cocked your fist at me for daring to enter
your frat house's party,
I was ready to tase your dick off.
But, again, you hadn't bothered to get to know Kai.
You hadn't bothered to get to know how he'd grown from his pain.

You only knew what happened the next day when you'd woken up bloody and bruised from Kai's brutal beating.
He'd blocked you on every social media platform and somehow managed to move out of your room by morning.

You lost a friend on the day
I gained one.
And, Mark, I feel sorry for you.

I pity this existence that you've been reduced to living.


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