Picking up the chillum, I packed it. I knew the bartender was watching me to see if I actually smoked the herb. He knew if I was I.P. and on duty, I wouldn't partake. I picked up one of the lighters on the bar and took a nice big toke. After I released my hit with a little smoke left, he stopped watching me.

I smoked what I had ordered then put a farthing next to the lighter I'd used. That would go into what cannabis lounges called the community flame jar. It was customary to leave a farthing with the lighter you used to help pay for replacements.

This wasn't my type of place. I could've scored easily enough, but I wanted someone genuine, not a pip. I went back out onto the street. Night was setting in now, the glow of the signs of nightlife filled the street with their tantalizing colors of light. I passed by the trendy clubs; I was looking for the right place that the real flavor of people gathered after dark.

The Cast Iron Corset had once been a gothic trend club; new owners that were themselves a real part of the gothic subculture turned the place into a solid; they catered to the true gothic crowd. Your average college person might come in to check the place out, but they wouldn't stay long.

This was my type of place. The only color in the place besides black and white was the crimson V on the center of the upper lip of a girl nearby where I was standing.

"Hey, Christine." The girl said to me as she held a hand to herself. I looked towards her. "This is Abby." She said holding a hand out towards the girl next to her introducing her to me.

They were both well dressed, clean, well planned garb. Christine wore small dagger earrings with a red jewel on the hilt of the charm that complimented the red on her otherwise black lips. Abby had eyes of two different colors and look. She was dressed as a werewolf gothic, her contacts worked well with how she did her makeup and dressed. These girls would be fun. I nodded following the introduction.

With a foot, Abby shoved a chair out near me.

"Have a sit, we've got some Hawaiian Candy you can share with us." Christine offered with a gentle smile.

I returned her smile. The three of us could tear each other up tonight; they were looking and thought I'd fit the bill for an exciting night in the sack. Abby was smaller in the boob department than Christine; hers weren't huge though. Cogburn was all for making these girls acquaintance; as I looked at them, all I could see was Lydia's face.

Making like my phone was vibrating, I pulled it out, unlocked it then made like I was reading a text. I looked up at them after a couple seconds. "Thanks, but I have to go now." I told them then turned and left in a rush.

As I walked by the Dragon's Nest, I considered going in. This was a place gamers hung out at, and with them, gamer chicks. There'd often be a pencil and paper roll playing game going along with teams of people playing against each other either online or via a LAN. Girls with gothic persuasion often hung out with the gamers, many of which were into the steam-punk look. I did consider going after a steam-punk chick, considerably different look than a gothic, but with the same soul of adventure and fun. I kept walking; there was a place I had in mind with girls that were far from the gothic and steam-punk lifestyle.

The place was called The Hidden Savant and was frequented by the intellectual crowd. Much of the attire would be a laidback grunge look, but even in my suit, I wouldn't stick out like I had in the Punk Place. Here I'd find a librarian girl. Not necessarily in that profession, but rather the brainy girls that had their own style of freakish kinks and perversions. Unlike the gothic scene, most would shave their fun fur off though; maybe a landing strip above their twat, but nothing under the arms. Perfume and hairspray would also be in the air.

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