"Harry," I cut off his rambling. 


"I love it," 

Harry visibly relaxes, his shoulders dropping and a grin spreading on his face. 

"Really?" he asks me. 

I nod and take a couple steps closer to him, throwing my arms around his neck while his wind around my waist. He leans down and lets his nose graze mine before planting a simple kiss on my lips. 

"I just have to hide something before I join you. I may or may not have bought you your Christmas present while I was out..." I whisper. 

"You didn't have to do that," Harry responds, although I can see the faint pink color dust over his cheeks. 

I scoff. 

"It's Christmas, Harry. Of course I was going to get you something," I say. "I'm just going to put it away and then I'll be right back, okay?"


I peck his lips once more before I peel my body away from his and exit the bathroom. 

My heart thumps rapidly in my chest as I quickly grab the bag with Harry's presents in it and walk to our closet. I shove it on my side and lamely cover it with a couple sweatshirts. It looks suspicious, but I don't think Harry will pay much attention to it. At a quick glance it just looks like a small pile of clothes. 

Harry stands with his back to me as I walk back in the bathroom, stripping off his robe. I can't help but stare at his toned back as the robe falls to the floor, exposing all of him. Even in the dim lighting I can make out all of his curves and muscles, as well as his tattoos. He truly is the most beautiful person on this planet. 

I fumble with the hem of my shirt as Harry gets in the bathtub. Suddenly I feel extremely self conscious, especially when I feel his eyes on me. The only source of light in the room comes from candles but I still feel like all my flaws will be extra prominent and it'll ruin the moment. 

"Don't look," I mumble, causing Harry to chuckle.

"Love, I've seen you naked hundreds of times," he reminds me. "You don't need to hide from me. It's just me,"

I bite the inside of my cheek. I know he's right but this moment between us right now feels so much more intimate than anything else we've done. I don't know why, but I try to push my insecurities to the back of my mind as I strip off the rest of my clothing and climb in the tub after Harry. He spreads his legs for me to sit down in-between them, and once I'm settled, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me flush to his chest. 

Bubbles froth around us, completely covering the surface of the water.  I wonder how long Harry has been planning this night? It's possible it was a spur of the moment thing but it seems like Harry spent an unreasonable amount of time preparing for it. There are flower petals everywhere, as well as candles and tea lights. And I know for a fact he had to go out and get soap  to run a bath. We had just run out recently of bath soaps and salts, mainly from Harry's doing. 

"I love you, Harry," I tell him, quietly, after we sit in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. 

"I love you, too, lovebug," he responds. "I always will," 

I smile. 

"Even after I'm old and wrinkly?" I ask. 

"Especially then. I'll be right there with you. I'll make us breakfast every morning and we can go for strolls with our walkers. We'll have a cute little house wherever you want and we can have those Sunday dinners with our kids and grandkids," Harry says. 

Butterflies erupt in my stomach at the thought of growing old with Harry. We've had the seldom conversation before, but it feels different this time. Maybe it's because of the intimate position we're both in right now but it could also be the mention of having children. We haven't really discussed that much. 

"How many kids do you want?" I ultimately ask Harry. 

He pauses for a second, thinking of a response. 

"At least three," he replies. "But I'd be just as happy with one or two. What about you?" 

I shrug. I suppose I've never thought of it seriously before. Harry and I are both young so there's not exactly a rush to start a family. 

"I'm not sure. I could see us with two or three though," I opt to say. 

Harry squeezes me a little tighter, pulling me so close to him it's as if we become one person. 

"And would you prefer children or marriage first? Or does it not matter?" he whispers in my ear. 

"Marriage," I respond right away. "I think I've always been a little traditional in that sense. But I don't just want to marry to have kids, you know? Does that make sense?"

Harry tilts his head to the side and presses a kiss to my temple, letting his lips linger for a couple moments.

"Yes, darling, it makes sense. And I'll make sure to keep that in mind," he says. 

I get shivers down my spine as soon as the words leave his lips. It makes me wonder if he's serious about marrying me, and if so, if he's thinking of proposing. Would he propose so soon into our relationship? I mean it's been almost a year since we started dating and some people get engaged way sooner than that. I guess it doesn't matter as long as the timing is right for both of us. 

"As long as you're with me though, Harry, I'll be happy. Marriage first or not. I just want you by my side," I tell him. 

"Of course," he says with a hint of a smile in his voice. "I'll never leave you," 


Sappy and intimate chapter

Also I KNOW that I do not have smut in this book. I read all the disappointed and angry comments. I know some people are upset about that and I totally get it because it makes the book lack something. BUT I have my reasoning for it. At the very end of Amelia and Harry's story, I will tell you why I chose not to include smut. It's not because I can't write it but because I chose not to. It's amazing how many people got mad at me for not including it via comments or dms. 

And thank you for participating in my experiment thing!! I found all your answers really interesting. I read all of them but was overwhelmed with how many people responded so I didn't get to respond back to everyone. I just wanted some outside perspectives from people of different countries so thank you for providing :) also I love how we all hate Trump lol it's wild in America right now. Trump rallies occur literally every weekend in my town and I'm not here for it. I do not claim him as my president 

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