Chapter 21

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From previous chapter :
"Kiss me!" That's what he said ....

But I didn't respond I just acted asleep .

And at that moment I understood that this was just the beginning of problems ...

After some hours :
Avni woke up first , still her head hurting but that headache got a little bit better as she felt Neil's arm wrapped around her waist , she pushed it lightly without waking him up and went to take a shower . As soon as she entered the bathroom , Neil's clothes from yesterday spread on the floor caught her attention . she took them and made her way to the washing machine but two smells disturbed her . The bathroom was clean so .....?

His clothes ?

She sniffed them and yes she was right , they smelt a mix of alcohol smell and women perfume ....

She sniffed the shirt again just to be sure if it really was a woman perfume and yes it was ... her heart started beating faster as the blood ran faster to her mind making her ask all the impossible questions to herself , and it almost stopped beating as her eyes caught something red !!

Was he hurt yesterday ?

She touched the red smudged blood but now it was on her finger and that's when she knew that this wasn't blood but ...

A lipstick ?
A smudged red lipstick mark?!

She couldn't even let her breath out of her throat that a long hot tear escaped one of her eyes ...

The door to her thoughts got closed as she heard Neil groaning from the room . It was his daily morning habit , just his way to wake up with a lots of stretching.

She wiped her tears fast and got in the shower , probably her longer shower ever ...

She came out to see no sign of Neil , his phone, wallet, business bag , watch , car and house keys ;they were all gone , he went to office

thank god .

She wore her saree , a blue one but as soon as she looked at the mirror , his face came next to her , she imagined him smiling at her wearing his favorite color and today she wanted to do anything but remember him or see him . so she changed into an orange bright saree , she chose this color to attract people to the color and not her sad face , after all her in laws were coming back today .

She missed them ..

She prepared a nice lunch and sat watching tv , she didn't wait long that the doorbell rang, she ran to them and opened the door with the biggest smile ever .

They hugged her and those hugs made her feel home , and home was all about showing your emotions but she couldn't as she would ruin the comeback from such a good vacation .

They sat with her at the dining table and praised her food , she also got to know that her brother in law Yuvi was going on a bachelor trip of one of his friends , that's why he couldn't come , they chatted a lot and finally went to their rooms for naps as they were tired from the flight . Except for bebe .

Bebe :" what happened Avni ?"

Avni :"nothing bebe , just a little bit tired !"

Bebe :" come I'll show you something and then I'll let you go take a nap " she spoke to her with her warm smile patting her cheek as If Avni was a 5 year old kid .

Avni nodded and followed her up to her room .
Bebe came to her with an album photo it was Neil's . Avni gulped the saliva and smiled a fake smile .

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