Day 4 part 2

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In neil's car :
Avni:"good morning sir !"she said it with a big smile .
Neil:"good morning Avni"
Avni:"sir I wanted to thank you for lifting me yesterday when I fainted "
Neil:"you fainted ? I thought that you slept !" He was confused .
Avni:" I know it must be confusing but trust me sir I thought that too until this morning when the doctor came and told me that I fainted because of fever ! Anyway this is not important I just wanted to thank you "
Neil's eyes widened when he heard about her fever :"w..what fever ? How and why?"
Avni:"actually when I came for the first time to your office recently it was raining and you were busy so I couldn't go home and .."she stopped by the high voice of neil.
Neil:"and you waited for me like an idiot ? You were all wet by rain and you didn't go home ? "
Avni:"but sir I am not an idiot I had to wait and by the way I don't think that it is the real reason of me fainting as that doctor said "
Neil:"so now a doctor is also wrong ? Anyways  what do you think the real reason is ?"
Avni:"simple ! I didn't have breakfast "
Neil:"yeah maybe that's the reason , I hope that you had it today ?"
Avni:"sir you don't need to worry "
Neil realized that he is concerned about her but why ? and since Neil hates questions without answers he just decided to become once again the rude khanna that he is not .
Neil:" who said that I care ? I just want you to do your work properly ! So did you have breakfast?"
Avni:"no I didn't "
Neil:"and why so ? Oh so you want to faint again and get a leave !?"
Avni:"how can you think of me like that sir ? It is because i didn't want to make you wait for me in the car "
Neil:"oh okay"
After some minutes :
Avni:" sir I think you are taking the wrong road ! The office is from the other side "
Neil:"we are not going to the office  "
Avni:"oh so we are going to your house to work there " she thought that she is smart😂
Neil:"no "
Avni:"then where are we going sir ?"
Neil:"did any one ever tell you that you ask too many questions ? I am not going to kidnap you so relax "
Avni just hummed and waited til Neil stopped the car and surprise she was standing next to a restaurant and not any kind of restaurant but a very luxurious one . Neil came out and stood in front of her side's door ,she looked at him through the open window with her big eyes full of confusion .
Neil:"so now I need to open the door for you ? "
Avni:" sir " with that she came out and stood in front of him looking at the big building.
Neil moves ahead and she just followed him ,as soon as they entered a waiter came to them .
Neil to the waiter :"table for two!"
Waiter:"this way sir "
Waiter:"here it is is sir , the best table for our newly married couple "
Avni:"which couple ?"
Waiter:"you and your husband maam "
Avni:"he is not my husband "
Waiter :"oh sorry he must be your boyfriend "
Avni:"he.." but she was stoped by Neil .
Neil:"exactly boyfriend "he was smirking.
Avni just ignored it and sat opposite him .
Waiter :"what can I get you sir ?"
Neil:"let me check the menu and I'll tell you .The waiter nodded and moved .
Neil :"so Avni what do you want ?"
Avni:" I don't know sir ! The prices are so high and I don't even know most of these food items "
Neil just chuckled at her innocence and honesty .
Avni:"finnally I found something I like !
ice cream "
Neil:" okay then  let me call him " he waved at the waiter .
Waiter :"yes sir "
Neil:"one chocolate ice cream and one cappuccino "
The waiter wrote the order and went .
Avni:"sir how did you know that I like chocolate ice cream "
Neil:"Pooja told me "
Avni got tensed :"and w..what else did she tell you ?"
Neil got her tension and wanted to tease her :"that you find me attractive "
let's move to the 3rd part 🤡
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