DAY 2 -part 2-

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The first meeting:
A very classy and expensive car stopped in the parking of [KHANNA'S COMPANY ] , the driver came out to open the back door , suddenly it started raining , with that Neil remembered the words of the family pandit who was telling him some days ago that a very important person is about to enter his life in the first raining day of this week .

But Neil as usual playing hard and not the believer type : shook his head and stepped out of the car to be covered with a servant's umbrella , Neil started walking in his style full of swag looking very dapper and hot ,when suddenly a taxi car came fast and was about to hit him but fortunately his bodyguard saved him by pushing him on the floor which made his shirt get dirty, he got up angrily to look at the taxi driver as if he was going to kill him

he was stepping toward him but stopped as he saw a girl stepping out of the taxi in hurry ,she was extremely beautiful , her long hair got wet due to the rain and some drops of water were on her gorgeous face..

wait was she talking in slow motion or was he imagining that ? what is happening to him ?! -he thought- and why is she waving her hand in front of his face . after some minutes which seemed to be a beautiful eternity for our Neil khanna ,he came out of his world as she said ...

Avni:" are you okay sir ? I hope that you are not hurt ! I a ....I am really sorry the driver didn't see you ' I was actually getting late for my interview so I asked him to drive faster and it's raining that's why he didn't notice you ,and..." when she realized that she was talking too much she just sighed and looked down to add in a very low and cute tone :" sorry" .

Neil:"it's okay !" After all he couldn't let his heart admit that he found this simple middle class girl cute and beautiful so he just listened to his brain and kept his attitude on fire and pretended to look at the driver with anger .

Neil entered the company and went directly to his cabin but surprisingly it wasn't empty as usual ...but a very attractive girl was there , she came to him with her short skirt , exposing top and high heels to close the door and take off his coat before making him sit in his chair .

Neil : " who the hell are you ?" He seemed quit angry.

The girl:" your new personal assistant sir "she answered him in a very seductive way.

Neil just ignored her and took his phone to dial his manager and friend's number he came in few moments .

Neil:" DD ! I want a new PA "

DD:" here she is " he was pointing at the girl there .

Neil:" i don't like her change her right  now !"

The girl went out crying and running to go out but she ended up bumping into avni who has just entered the company, avni was about to ask her but if she was okay but she got pushed ; shocked ! she took a deep breath and went to the receptionist.

Avni: " hi! I am avni Mehta I came some  days Ago and you gave me an appointment for an interview so..."

receptionist:" oh yes I have your name here but ma'am your interview is in 30 minutes you can wait there in the chair because it is raining and you are all wet you may get cold "
Avni smiles at her kindness and thanked her .

In neil's cabin :

Neil:" what ? What do you mean by they refused to work for me?" He literally shouted after hearing dd's statement .

DD:" y..yes they did because a news paper said that you are arrogant with your assistants "he really struggled to say it afraid of his sir.

Neil:" so what ? I am the boss ! Look I will wait for 3 days just do something"
Suddenly a girl came in and said :"sir you have an interview should I send the girl in ?"

Neil : « can't you see I am busy ask her to wait ! And if she doen't want to ! she can go "

The girl asked avni to wait ,and she agreed even if she was sneezing and shivering of cold

.2 hours passed and finnally they called her . Neil was sitting when she opened the door to make his heart beat faster for the first time at the view of a woman , he found her even more beautiful than she was some hours ago , she finally looked at him to notice that he was the same person the taxi driver was about to hit ,he asked her to sit but she couldn't due to the idea that popped into her head : what If he doesn't give her the job because of what happened some hours ago.

Neil:" oh you? "Was all he could say .

Avni:" y...yeah it's me ! Sir I swear that whatever happened outside wasn't my fault ! At all because I wasn't driving and I can't even drive , and sir I even apologized to you .."she was going to speak more but he stopped her.

Neil:"it's fine I am not going to stop you from giving the interview for that but I can definitely do that for your habit of talking this much, if you want to work here then learn how to speak less !got it?"

Avni:" yes sir ,thank you " she sat and gave the interview to hear him congratulating her for the job of a PA , her smile disappeared.

Avni;"PA ? But I Came here to imply for the job of an employee?"

Neil:" oh in that case you can go this is the only job left "

Avni though for a minute and offered her hand for a handshake with a smlie Neil gave his hand and a shiver passed  through their bodies , he smiled back thinking that his plan of getting a PA worked . Avni went home back and made her family happy with the news of her getting a job .But Neil,  as soon as he entered the house he found his family members with news papers on their hands and weird looks on their faces .

Prakash:". What is this Neil ?is it true that you are working since many days without a PA ? »

Neil: « relax dad ! I found one today ! »

Shweta:" really how did she agree to work with you even after the news about you ? Is she even smart?"

Neil:" yes mom she is "

Shweta just to tease him added :" is she beautiful?"

Neil :" yes mom very beautiful " she was shocked at his statement ,but still smiled ;

with that Neil realized his words and added:" I mean she .. is okay ! And stop asking about her she Is my PA not yours guys »

Yuvi : « so possessive about her ? » Neil rolled his eyes and went to his room he looked at the mirror while taking off his tie but all he could see was avni's face ,after all she was one of the most beautiful women he had seen in his life,he shook his head at this thought and slept .

So since it is my first time uploading after the prologue I thought of uploading 2 parts of one day in the same time . I hope you enjoyed the 2 parts .

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