Day 2 part 2

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At 10:45 : they finished Everything , in the same time his mom came running to his room .

Shweta:«neil! There's a problem »

Neil:«what happened mom?»

Shweta:«I have invited some guests for lunch and they are kind of very desi !»

Neil:«I know that you forgot how to cook Indian food since you came to this house !but don't worry we have many mades , they will take care of it !»

Shweta:«that's the problem ! No one of them can cook Indian food , if I order it in this traffic it will be delivered in the same time as their arrival ! So what to do !?»

Neil:«oh god ! Let me think»

Avni:«I know that this is your personal matter but I have a solution »she was kind of hesitating while speaking .

Shweta:«what? Really? Please tell me quickly»

Avni:«I can do that ! I mean I can cook Indian food so I can help you if you don't mind»

shweta smiled and said :«you are seriously an angel ! Thank you so much!»
In the kitchen :

Avni:«thank you aunty for showing me every ingredient's place ; now don't worry just go get ready and I won't disappoint you»

Shweta smiled and went out of the kitchen ,Avni tied her hair in a high ponytail and started very quickly showing her cooking skills till then Neil was there and he didn't even realize when did he lean on the door of the kitchen watching Avni working with passion and that made him notice that one lock of hair was disturbing her and she couldn't handle it due to the flour on her hands she was still trying to do that but stopped when she heard footsteps,she lifted her head up to find a beautiful hazel pair of eyes gazing her and coming closer to her ; as a reaction she kept going back in baby steps till she hit the wall and find Neil so close to her which made her heart beat faster and her breath to stuck in her throat , she then noticed his one hand coming on the way of her right cheek she just closed her eyes tightly to feel him putting that hair behind her right ear ,she opened them slowly and realized that she was hell nervous .
Avni:« you sir !» she said it trying to hide the blush on her pink cheeks .
Neil:«it's okay!So are you done with it ? »
Avni:«almost sir ! I just need to put this dish in the oven and set the table »
Neil:«so Go and set the table and I will put It in the oven !»
Avni:«huh?»it was all she could say ,after all the rude Neil khanna was being kind .
Neil:«what huh?! Go!»
Avni:«okay sir!» she went to the living room and set everything,and came back to the kitchen to find him sitting there.
Avni:«so did you put it on si?»
Neil:«no I just put it in !»
Avni:«what?why? Don't you know how to turn it on ?» she asked him shocked .
Neil:«of..of course I know how to do that» he was fumbling being embarrassed.
Avni:«so please do it » she was controlling her laugh.
Neil started just turning the buttons ,he actually never did that before but kept on trying so that he can save his self respect but stopped when he felt a shiver run down his body as avni's hand was on his.
Avni:«what are you doing sir? Are you planning to kill every one in the house? You should have told me that you don't know how to do it !»
Neil:«I know how to use it I just forgot how to »
She was about to talk further but couldn't because the door bell rang and Neil disappeared she thought that he went to open the door but he actually went to his room so she followed him.
Avni:«sir the guests are here »
Neil :«I know !»
Avni:«if you know that!So why didn't you go to say hi to them ?»yes she is very curious
Neil:«I hate stranhgers »he answered to avoid more questions .
Avni:«but sir in the first day of your live your parents were also strangers for you but you never hated them , I think that you should be more ..»Neil stopped her.
Neil:«look you're my PA not my wife so talk to me professionally got it ?» he literally shouted.
Avni:«sorry sir I was just trying to help you !»
Neil:«why ? Who are you ? A doctor ? And me your patient ?»
Avni:«no sir ! Why are you ...»she stopped because shweta arrived .
Shweta: «Avni y'oure here ?i was looking for you ! Come I will introduce you to my friends» Avni went out of the room but Neil stopped his mom an closed the door on avni's face .
I hope you liked it 💕
I was actually planningto write just 2 parts of day 2 but it turned to be not enough and I don't want to write very long parts because that will be boring .
So yes I am publishing 3 parts of day2 .
Please shower your love and thoughts on the 3 parts of the second day of our avneil's beautiful journey❤️❤️🙏.

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