"But Miss Anna, that's you-."

"No. That girl is out there and you better hope for your sake that I find her." Anna reminded the older woman of Chuck's demands if she loses.

"Please. I don't want to shine Mr Chuck's shoes for a month." Elena begged.

"Yeh, his shoes if you're lucky." Anna whispered to herself as she paced.

"What?" Elena asked not quiet hearing what the teenager said.

"Nothing. Just get back to work please." Anna asked of her as she left the housekeeper alone.


The time for the Snowflake Ball had finally arrived and lucky for Anna and Elena, she had found Chuck the perfect date

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The time for the Snowflake Ball had finally arrived and lucky for Anna and Elena, she had found Chuck the perfect date.

"Shoo. He's taken." Anna spoke as she stepped in between Chuck and a random girl he had been talking too.

"You look lovely." The Bass commented.

"Not as lovely as I'll look after the spa day I have planned for Christmas Eve. So where's my prince un-charming?" The brunette girl wondered.

"Sandbox rules. I'll show you mine if you show me yours." Chuck challenged as he leant forward.

"Fine. Here she comes, Justine, this is Chuck Bass." Anna introduced the pair.

"Very nice to meet you." Chuck replied as he shook her hand before signalling a guy over.

"You can't be serious." Anna laughed slightly as the guy stopped next to them. "I need to talk to you. Excuse us."

Anna took Chuck's arm in her hand and pulled him away to a quieter area of the ball away from the two dates.

"We both know that I'm your one and only and a knockoff seemed like the best option." Anna spoke as the pair leant against a wall talking.

"My thinking exactly." Chuck agreed with a smirk.

"Fine. But if beta Bass is anything like the original I have no doubt that sooner or later he'll disappoint me." Anna continued speaking.

"And I'm curious if the new Anna has all the features I enjoyed so much on the old model." Chuck replied matching her tone of voice.

"So the bet is still on?" The brunette girl asked.

"Unless you're prepared to concede." Chuck challenged.

"To you? Never." Anna promised before walking away and leaving Chuck alone.

As Anna left Chuck she noticed a familiar looking boy cross the room dressed in a fancy suit. She quickly upped her pace and grabbed his arm before pulling him away from the crowd.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Anna asked her older brother, Noah.

"I'm back little sis." Noah replied with that confident smile across his face.

"Like for good?" Anna wondered feeling confused.

"For good." Noah confirmed. "Now if you'll excuse me I've got a date to find."

Anna watched at Noah confidently walked across the room towards Blair who was quick to give him a small kiss on the cheek.

As much as it turned her stomach to see her brother and one of her best friends, Anna had to admit she had never seen either of them this happy in their entire lives.


After searching the venue for her date, Anna found herself back in Chuck's company who was also searching for his date.

"Where are they?" Anna wondered aloud as they continued to walk.

"Relax. They'll be here somewhere." Chuck assured her as they walked back into the main area of the ball.

"This is the worst out of body experience ever." Anna spoke as she spotted their dates locking lips. "Hey. Explain this."

"After you and Chuck walked off, Justine and I got to talking." The Chuck look a like spoke up first.

"He took me up to the roof and we looked over the city." Justine continued as Anna gave Chuck a knowing look.

"Of course he did." Anna spoke as Chuck smiled at the similarities between the two pairs.

"We just knew we were meant for each other." The guy explained.

"But she's me. Only less. I gave her that headband." Anna said as she tried to figure it out in her head.

"We're as surprised as you are." He replied before they went back to kissing.

"Everyone, even our doppelgängers, can work it out, but we can't?" Anna asked as she turned back to Chuck and away from the kissing couple. Chuck took in silence causing Anna to sigh and walk away from him.


As the night began to draw to an end, Anna found herself alone overlooking all the dancing and kissing couples below her, one of which included her brother and Blair.

"Dance with me." Chuck spoke as he appeared next to her.

"What's the point, Chuck?" Anna asked in reply as she looked back at their look a likes. "We're never gonna be them. We said so. Remember? It's not for us."

"Maybe. But I wouldn't change us. Not if it meant losing what we have." Chuck answered.

"And what do we have Chuck? You tell me." Anna begged feeling confused.

"Tonight." Chuck assured her. "So shut up and dance with me."

Chuck took her hand with saying anything more and lead them pair down the steps and onto the dance floor where they immediately fell into the swing of the soft tune. They were both content with one and other as they smiled while dancing together.

As the pair got lost in a world of their own together, they were completely unaware of the fact that outside of those four wall their real world was coming crashing down.


I'm sure you all know what chapter/ episode is next and I'm so excited to write it. I have had questions in my mind about it for a while and I'm sure some of you have too and hopefully they'll be answered soon.

Also, thank you all for over 20k reads. It means so, so much to me!!

Until next time


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