Part 2: Seasick

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I smile at the younger boy and look again at the boat. "Um, Shou? I get motion sickness!" I say slightly panicked as we reach the boat.

"You do? But you're so strong!" He replies and I smile at him.

"Yeah, it's an entire thing with people like me," I reply slightly sad, "Um, either way, could you do me a favor and not move the card around a lot?" I ask nicely and Shou looks at me slightly happy to just hear my voice again. Then we got on the boat and I couldn't help but feel nauseous. I catch the sound of Erza's voice and throw her a message. I take my earring and throw it at her, my little plea for help.

"Nova? Shou, did you capture Nova too?" Erza asks and Shou pulls out my card as I'm spewing more chunks than he dared admit. Soon Shou notices all the vomit in the card and releases me.

"Nova?" Kitty asks sleepily until she smells herself. "Are we on a boat?" She asks innocently and I'm hurling my guts out in a bucket I found in the corner. I manage to look back at her and nod before I begin tossing more cookies. "Ew," She says smelling herself. "Can you use any of your magic?" She asks and I wave my hand at her, using the Arc of Time my father taught me, soon her clothes were crystal clean. "Now, do yourself!" She told me and I do exactly what she told me to. Before long she's pulling pills out of the pocket in her onesie and handing them to me. "Erza said to give these to you next time we were on a boat, or train." I nod holding out my hand and she places them in it before running to Shou.

"Hey, Mister! Do you have any water? My best friend needs water!" She squeals and pulls on his pant leg with some tears in her large yellow eyes. "Please Mister! If not she's going to be miserable!" Kitty begs and Shou smiles at Kitty before patting her head and running off. Kitty places a paw on my back and starts rubbing it as she waits for Shou's return. When he comes back with a glass of water Kitty runs over and takes it before handing it to me.

"Come on Nova! Take your pills!" She says and I take them hurriedly. I see the world fading around me and I fall to the ground into a deep slumber.

"It's a sleeping pill, she shouldn't wake up until we reach our destination. Thank you, Kitty, I can't thank you enough for taking care of my sister for me," Erza says happily with the slight tremble in her voice that comes from being without her armor. "Shou please let her stay with me. She was the only family I thought I had left. Please don't leave me alone." Erza tells him and he runs up to grab the binding tubes Millianna had left for him to use if he wanted to let me get some air for my sickness.

When I wake up I see Erza in her Heart Kreuz armor looking into my eyes. I let out a slight groan as she takes my bindings off and I take my glasses off. "Geez, every time I think we're having a vacation," I complain and she smiles before letting out a thin laugh. "Come on sis, let's get this bastard," I told her standing up and changing into my battle form using the transformation magic Mirajane taught me. The formal suit that makes me look like a member of the mafia trades itself with the elegant dress from before. I pull on my white gloves and place the glasses back on my nose. 

I begin fighting beside Erza using a katana I made of magic. "Nova, I know you need to practice your swordsmanship but could you please stop holding back so much," Erza tells me and I smile before responding in the usual manner. 

"As you wish, big sis," I say with a slight bow before exchanging my katana with a rapier. I destroy 90% of the remaining guards without breaking a sweat as Erza destroys the rest.

"You shouldn't waste so much of your magic energy on them, just fight like I am, sis, then we can still preserve our energy." She tells me and I bow once again using another one of my battle responses.

"Yes, big sis," I reply and punch a man square in the face as he starts to sit up. She still doesn't realize why I'm an S-class isn't because of her. It's kind of adorable that she still thinks I'm so weak. She smiles at me despite the demons haunting her. I sigh and stand up straight before reaching towards her, but when I saw the look in her eyes I felt my anger growing inside me. I did my best to hold back but ended up using my transformation magic to get the anger out. I feel the black mesh skater dress on me and the black high heeled boots on my feet. I release the magic I used to conjure my glasses and let my hair fall in loose curls. I feel my eyes change to replicate one of my father's, one became white and beady while the other became a strange mix between green and blue. 

I start running in the direction of Natsu's smell with Erza on my tail. "Nova? Are you tracking Jallel?" She asks me but I ignore her and run into the dining hall with the others. We run right into battle and I slay each one with nothing but my hand. 

"Natsu, Gray, Lucy, Juvia, do you know where Jallel is?" I ask calmly and when they say no Erza steps in.

"Nova, you should go home along with the others. This is my problem to deal with, you should go home," She tells us and I start sniffing at the air profusely. Oh, Millianna has Happy. Ok, so there's Wally, Simon, Shou, where's Jallel. Wait! There's someone new here, 3 someone's to be exact. I think as Erza begins telling the others our life story. I see tears falling down her face and I feel my kind father's magic running ramped through my veins as my eyes turn into a deep blue while my hair is accompanied with navy tips. My dress changed into a royal blue dragon kimono sleeve dress and I reached out to hug her. When I smell Shou nearby I retreat and notice that Kitty's scent is no longer above me to the right. She's in Millianna's room! I think worried and start running towards it. 

Damn it! This really isn't my day is it!  I think as I doge another guard, I quickly look from my left to my right scanning to make sure no one followed me. I take a deep breath and start eating the shadows around me as I break out in a cold sweat. Sorry, Dad, I know you hated how this magic works, that's why you cast this spell on me, but I must find my best friend, otherwise, I'll lose all my control. I finish and enter the shadows as one. Just like that, I'm in Millianna's room just as Natsu uses a secret move he deemed Kitty in distress. 

I exit the shadows outside the door and open it as Natsu uses his fire dragon wing attack. I start clapping sarcastically and remark his costume head. "Wow, what an amazing attack! Secret Move: Kitty in Distress is quite the bombshell!" I say and he starts complaining about it. As Happy helps Natsu take off the head I grab Kitty and hold her close to my chest. "Don't leave me ever again, ok? I almost lost my cool without you there." I tell her and she nods with her stuffed horn touching my chin. I use the transformation magic again this time changing into a blouse with a bow and a simple skirt. My hair and eyes return to their natural colors as I place a new pair of glasses on my nose.

"Ok, let's get out of here, we need to find the others," I tell them and Natsu gets the head off as Wally poses for an attack.

"Baka," I say and follow him closely. 

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