(Home sweet Home)

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(In Clear lake; California),

It's nice to wake up to a calm clear lake atmosphere. Yah, there's nothing like home.
I've been away from this for about three months now, it almost feels like an haven.

I'm also very glad I wouldn't be returning, since I've finally graduated from high school. It's off to college now, and I'm pretty sure that's gonna take a while to get to since college tuitions are seriously off the chart.

I was trying to suck in a little more of the fresh air, when....

"Jenny! Jennifer, come down here!" Mrs Custer yelled from downstairs.

Jenny twirls around her bed then responds, "Oh! no, not today. It's-" jennifer said with a pause.
She picks up her phone lazily, then began scrolling through it to find a calendar.
"Saturday, yes, that's apparently sabbath- I think." she called out skeptically, straining her sleepy eyes to see the tiny writings on the screen.

"It's Sabbath mom!" she concluded with all certainty after confirming it, tosses the phone back, then returned to her formal position.

"Well, I hear Sabbath's a day we should preserve to serve the Lord. All you've been doing is sleeping." Her mom argued.

"I totally disagree. The Bible says to work the rest of the days, but on the Sabbath everyone should relax- it's even a sin not to, momma." Jenny yelled back covering her face with her pillow.

"Jennifer Custer! I swear if I come up there, I'd make sure to leave your body in a state you wouldn't have to work again." Her mom threatened.

"Ugh, this woman sure knows how to spoil a good rest." Jenny mumbled grumpily- she was still mumbling and grumbling while she was getting up when her mom yelled again.

"Don't make me come up there." She cushioned.

"Coming mom!" Jenny replied jumping off the bed and out to her.

"Oh! no, you're still in your pyjamas." She said once she spotted her.
"I told your papa not to let you go to that school, but he wouldn't listen. Now, see what has become of you. Ever since you returned all you do is sleep." Her mom complained in a tone of furiosity.

"Mama, porfavor (please). I thought we ended this topic a long time ago. Plus its Saturday- you should relax- enjoy the good sun- maybe head to the beach or something." Jenny said playfully.

Her mom only passed her the stink eye, causing Jenny to rethink her decision to speak back.

"Hmm." her mom sighed ragingly,
"By the way, I thought you said you were taking Spanish lessons?" her mom asked changing the topic.

"Si (Yes)." Jenny replied confusingly

"I'm not seeing any changes, another disadvantage of that school." Her mom complained again. Jenny just groans in response.

My mom would never let loose an opportunity to make a complain about me having gone to a boarding school. She had been against it from the start, but my dad insisted on it.
He believed me staying indoors and with my mom all day, wasn't good for me. He also wanted me to try a life out of this lake bug.

"You can't even speak your own language." She added, this time wearing a distressful look

"Mom, I get it. You hate the fact I didn't school here. I'm sorry things didn't work out as you planned, and that I left you all alone.
But I'm here now, I'm all yours." I concluded walking towards her to comfort her, I placed a hand on her shoulder,
"At least not until I'm off to college. Like I said- now." Jenny concluded playfully, forcing a smile.

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