Once Upon A Time AU Pt 2 The Musical

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Requested by miraculouslife9876

For this part, I'm giving Chloe the role of Regina/The Evil Queen. And for Zelena, I'm using Alya. The rest of the roles are the same.

Powerful Magic With Marinette and Damian Wayne

Chloe's planning to destroy Marinette and Damian's happiness along with everyone else's. She's planning to cast a powerful curse to strip everyone from this land and into another one. But there was still hope, the unborn child of Marinette and Damian. Late at night, Marinette made a wish that she could protect her child and defect the Queen. But that wish did more than that, it made everyone in this world have a song in their hearts.

(Play video)


Good morning, friend
Oh my dear, there's something wrong
'Cause all my words are coming out in song
A rhythm stirs deep inside my soul

I'm saying things in ways I can't control!


What's going on? Someone cast a spell or a curse?
'Cause what I say is coming out in verse
My voice just soars, had no idea it could
Now I'm singing out, and my, do I sound good!

What could be the reason?


I think I know, my love
It's all because of the wish I made upon the star above
With music in our hearts, we'll defeat the Evil Queen




'Cause love expressed through song
Is a weapon like the Queen has never seen


There's a powerful magic when two hearts are one
A powerful magic bright as the sun


Goodness will triumph and evil's undone
When you dare to heed love's call


'Cause love is the most powerful magic of all

It's a powerful magic when two voices soar


I'm ever more hopeful for what lies in store


Nothing will stop us, no, not anymore
Watch the wish you made come true


That is what love and its powerful magic can do

Feel the song inside our hearts
That is where the magic starts


Oh, it grows with every note


Soaring sweetly from my throat


Every line ends with a rhyme


Don't know how, but it's sublime
With a melody so strong
How can we go wrong?

With our powerful magic, we now have the means
'Cause love can defeat curses, potions or beans
And the unhappy ending let that be the Queen's
With our daughter's fate at stake, seems we found a lucky break

Now let our song show the powerful magic... we can make!

The Evil Queen Sings/ Love Doesn't Stand A Chance

However, this wish has also affected Chloe as well. And she plans to break this spell because love doesn't stand a chance with her curse.

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