Vansh suspicion grow more on Riddhima

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The episode starts with Ridhima entering in Vansh’s study taking advantage of Vansh being busy in the ritual so that she can find any proof against him. She recalls Vansh giving Angre a pen drive which has secrets that shouldn’t get in anyone’s hands. She looks for that pen drive everywhere.

While Vansh is doing ritual. Vansh gives another gift to Siya who gets happy since he gave her what she has asked for.

Ishani- "If u brought what I had asked for."
Vansh- "It was difficult to arrange what u had asked for during lockdown."

Ishani gets upset but just then Vansh gives her a box containing the keys of a car. Ishani gets happy.

Ishani- "If it’s the colour I wanted only."
Vansh- "I went to take black car but I  remembered that u  likes purple."

Ishani gets glad.

Riddhima looks around and gets a key. She opens the cupboard.

Aryan- "I hope you remember I m also your brother."

Siya goes to do his tilak.

Riddhima opens the cupboard.

Vansh gets a call and goes. He hears some sound. He goes to check.
Riddhima hides inside the cupboard. She worries. She recalls hearing his footsteps and hiding inside. Vansh checks his table. He looks around. He goes to the cupboard.

Siya calls him out. Vansh leaves. Riddhima gets locked inside. She gets breathless. She recalls Kabir.

Riddhima- "I m feeling suffocated."

She imagines Kabir.

Kabir(in imagination)- "Trust me, close your eyes and keep breathing. Remember they were together on the beach, everything was so lovely, always remember our fear is just a game of our mind, don’t let this overcome you, think how can you come out of this problem."

Riddhima relaxes her mind.

Riddhima(thinks)- "How to open the door."

She uses a hair pin to open the lock. She comes out.

Riddhima(thinks)- "Kabir’s love is my strength."
Riddhima- "I think someone is coming, I can’t give Vansh a chance, I will correct this."

The Shera(PD) falls down. Riddhima picks it. It then drops into the dust bin. She leaves.

Riddhima(thinks)- "I didn’t get any clue, I have to try again."
Riddhima- "Where are you Kabir, how shall I tell you, my marriage is fixed with the person I hate and want to send behind bars, do something."

She falls down. Vansh comes and saves her from getting hurt.
(Ishq mein marjawa…..plays….)
They have an eyelock. She hides her pendant.

Riddhima- "What happened?"
Vansh- "I offered you help, you didn’t even help, what are you thinking, that you fell down, about the marriage."
Riddhima- "Of course, everything is like a dream."
Vansh- "Dreams should be beautiful, right."

He gives her flowers.

Vansh- "Roses, its said its connected to love, I know we had a bad start, I wanted to do something romantic for my would be wife, you are such kind of love, starry night, moon, rose….."
Riddhima- "I m glad to know that you are interested in roses and love, I hope you know roses aren’t alone, there are thorns which know to hurt, you know just giving pain or bearing the pain, prepare yourself, something hurts in love as well, it hurts a lot, anyways, give it."

He gets hurt by a rose thorn.

Riddhima- "You got hurt by the little thorn."
Vansh- "You think I don’t know the meaning of love."
Riddhima- "Of course, love isn’t just romantic gestures, it wants many sacrifices, candle light dinner isn’t love, being together even in pain is love."

She recalls Kabir.

Riddhima- "Love isn’t happiness of some moments, its a lifetime commitment, love is peace and passion too, its darkness and light too, its pain and cure too, its soul and blessing too, its life and death too."
Vansh looks at her. He gets a call.

Angre- "Boss, Shera/the lion pendrive isn’t in the secret room."
Vansh- "What, how can it disappear."

He goes.

Vansh- "Where did Shera go?"
Angre- "I have checked it well, who can dare to go there."
Vansh- "We have to get Shera, its really imp, it has power to destroy me."

Riddhima hears them.

Riddhima(thinks)- "Who is Shera, is this any code word, Shera means lion."

She recalls getting the golden lion.

Riddhima- "It means all the clues were in it, I was so close, I have to find Shera, it will get me freedom and end Vansh."

She looks for the keys. She recalls Vansh’s words. She checks the bin.

Riddhima(thinks)- "Someone has thrown the garbage outside."

Chapter End

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