Vansh deceives Riddhima

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The Episode starts.

Riddhima(thinks)- "Did Kabir do this?"

Flashback starts.
Angre sees Kabir running away. He shouts and follows. Kabir sees Ishani outside and puts the cutter in her purse. He hides. Angre sees Ishani.

Angre- "You can’t go out, there is an intruder in the house."
FlashBack ends.

Ishani- "Maybe that intruder slipped this in my purse."
Vansh- "Where were you going, were you helping someone to escape?"
Ishani- "Are you doubting me now, you should doubt this girl."

She points towards Riddhima.

Ishani- "I don’t care."
Vansh- "Limit it, I m just protecting my family."
Rudra- "None could be forgiven for family’s protection."

Riddhima goes aside. Vansh looks at her. Rudra argues with Aryan.
Dadi comes.

Dadi- "Stop fighting, I hope that someone could teach you the importance of relations."

Riddhima and Vansh hold Dadi.

Vansh- "I will find out the intruder and the person who helped him."

Riddhima worries.

Kabir- "Vansh doubts a lot, he will not doubt on Riddhima now, its not a time to celebrate, he will not keep quiet."

Vansh thinks of everything. He plays basketball.

Vansh- "Angre, check the cctv footage."
Angre- "I will go and check."

Vansh sees Riddhima plucking some flowers.
(Ishq mein marjawa…..plays….)
Some lights block his eyesight because of mirrors. He misses the shot and gets hurt.

Riddhima- "What happened?"
Vansh- "I missed the shot because of you."
Riddhima- "I will tell you about stretching, its fine."

She teaches him.

He sees her ring in the chain again. She hides it.

Riddhima- "What’s the need to play basketball with such passion."
Vansh- "Its not just a sport, I get my answers, I get clarity, I didn’t get clarity today."
Riddhima- "About what."
Vansh- "You."

She asks him to stretch.

Vansh- "I m better now."
Riddhima- "You act strong, but you can’t handle this pain."
Vansh- "External pain is easy to bear, not internal."
Riddhima- "I know, I know pain being physiotherapist."
Vansh- "Yes."
Riddhima- "Don’t you give any theory now."
Vansh- "Its said, that we should have not enmity with doctor and lawyer, I can’t take any risk, you may drift any nerve, you know like."

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