Kabir manages to trap Aryan

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The Episode starts with Riddhima praying with the family. Vansh thinks of her words.

Vansh(thinks)- "Riddhima, I know you were hiding something, but what, I have to find out."

Riddhima sings the shlok. Dadi praises her and asks her to do aarti.
Chanchal(whispers)- "I think she is going to rule on our throne."
Ishani- "Don’t worry, Vansh bhai will stop her, he doesn’t like oversmart people."

Kabir- "What would be going on there."

Someone comes to him. Kabir turns and gets angry.

The guy- "Sir, please, I get panic attack."

Riddhima does the aarti.

Riddhima(prays)- "Vansh doesn’t get the transmitter."

Angre looks around. He gets the transmitter. Vansh comes there. Riddhima gives the aarti to everyone. She goes to give aarti to Vansh.

Ishani- "Vansh bhai will not leave her."

Vansh- "I don’t believe your Lord, I trust my talent, I m my own God

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Vansh- "I don’t believe your Lord, I trust my talent, I m my own God."
Riddhima- "Don’t you believe the one who has created you and the universe."
Vansh- "I didn’t see God doing my work, I have earned each coin, I have made myself, not any God."
Riddhima- "Its about thinking, we have talent because of God."
Vansh- "That’s why you have everything, right."
Riddhima- "You have support of the entire family, Lord didn’t give me my family, so he has given me himself, he is my family."
Vansh- "Interesting..very interesting, so you think God is yours, you will get everything by doing bhajan."
Riddhima- "Its about thinking, I thank him for giving me so much and also peace, you think you have everything, but you couldn’t get peace, because you didn’t learn to thank anyone, you can’t say thanks or bend your head in front of anyone, anyways, I will thank Lord on your behalf, maybe he brings some peace in your life."

He looks at her.
(Ishq mein marjawa…..plays….)
Dadi smiles.

Angre- "Boss, I got the make up kit items here, I don’t understand to whom this belongs."

Vansh checks it.

Vansh- "Interesting...very interesting."

He comes back.

Vansh(shouts)- "Riddhima, Prasad has come for you."

He gives her the make up box. She gets tensed.

Vansh- "Person’s hands get shaken up because of fear

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Vansh- "Person’s hands get shaken up because of fear."
Riddhima- "I didn’t understand anything."
Ishani- "Whose make up items are these."
Vansh- "Riddhima, say, how did this come in the garden."
Riddhima- "I don’t know, maybe its of anyone else."
Vansh- "Lie, you went to my study, this was fallen outside my window, who are you, who has sent you, what do you want."
Riddhima- "Its not mine."
Dadi- "What’s the need to create the issue for make up box."
Vansh- "Its not ordinary make up kit, right Riddhima."

He fixes the parts and switches on the transmitter.

Aryan- "This looks like a high tech transmitter, info can be sent out easily."
Anupriya- "What will she send and to whom."
Vansh- "Maybe my enemy."
Riddhima- "Its not mine."

Vansh- "The way you looked at the device, its proved that its yours."
Dadi- "She is not like that."
Vansh- "We will clear the misunderstanding, we are on this side of the transmitter, the other side will prove who is right."
Riddhima(thinks)- "Kabir may take my name, he shouldn’t get caught."

Kabir gets the connection back.

Riddhima(thinks)- "Kabir don’t say anything."
Kabir- "Hello….."
Vansh- "Sshh….."

Kabir hears this and gets alert. He keeps a handerchief on the mic.

Kabir- "Yes, Aryan, how did the call get disconnected."

Everyone gets shocked.

Kabir- "Are you fine, is there any news."

Vansh throws the transmitter away. Riddhima gets scared.

Kabir- "Riddhima is in some danger."

Vansh sees Aryan.

Aryan- "This is all crap, this girl is framing me."

Vansh- "You have time until morning, you have to prove Riddhima wrong and your innocence. Riddhima, live the night, the truth will come out tomorrow morning, then anything can happen."

Chapter end

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