Kabir losses connection with Riddhima once again

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The Episode starts.

Vansh- "What are you doing here?"

Riddhima turns to him. She recalls seeing Vansh coming. She picks a book and acts to be reading.

Riddhima- "You…."

Kabir hears them.

Riddhima- "I thought you left, I wanted to see a book, Siya said you have a good book collection, so I had come, I hope its allowed to come here."

Vansh opens the drawer and takes his laptop. He locks the drawer.

Vansh- "I have forgiven you since you told the truth, remember, I hate lies and cheat, you can’t even imagine, don’t give me a reason to doubt on you....stop."

She throws out the transmitter

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She throws out the transmitter. Kabir loses the connection.

Riddhima- "What"
Vansh- "Don’t come here without permission next time."
Riddhima- "Sure"
Vansh- "This mansion is my world, nothing can happen here without my permission, remember that."

She goes.

Kabir tries to connect.

Kabir- "Maybe speaker broke, how shall I talk to her...one mistake can put her life in big risk."

Dadi- "The puja is imp, everyone has to come here before mahurat...Riddhima plz make Rangoli."

Riddhima nods.

Anupriya(to Dadi)- "Why are u  making staff do this work?"
Dadi- "She has helped me in puja work, who can do all this here, tell me."
Anupriya( to Riddhima)- "Focus on Siya’s treatment."
Dadi(to staff)- "Throw the old nails outside, else it will hurt someone’s foot."

The lady takes the nails.

Riddhima- "I will start making Rangoli."

She takes the colours. Vansh comes home. He sees Riddhima making the Rangoli.
(Ishq mein marjawa….plays….)

Riddhima(thinks)- "Its done, I will go and get transmitter now."

Dadi likes the Rangoli.

Dadi- "Its very beautiful, you will help me in work, prepare the aarti plate and diya."

Riddhima sees Vansh.

Riddhima(thinks)- "Vansh may doubt on me if I go now."
Riddhima- "Fine, I will do it now."

Riddhima goes to find the transmitter. Vansh comes there and looks at her. She gets shocked.

Riddhima- "Hello"
Vansh- "I got what you were finding."
Riddhima- "What"
Vansh- "Why are you breathing heavily, what’s the matter, you are sweating."
Riddhima- "Actually…"

He holds her hand.

Vansh- "Pulse is fast, I can read eyes as well, your eyes were saying that you were finding something, what, your tongue will say it, tell me, what were you searching for."
Riddhima- "I was doing your work."
Vansh- "What work for me?"
Riddhima- "The puja is for your long life, I want flowers for the puja, I just came to see if the flowers are enough, or if I need to order flowers."

He leaves her hand.

Riddhima- "If you don’t believe, sorry, I forgot you don’t trust anyone, you can go and ask Dadi, she will tell you."

She goes. Ishani spoils the Rangoli.

Ishani- "Sorry"

Ishani goes.

Riddhima- "Puja is happening in some time, please remove your sandals."

Ishani goes. Aryan stares at Riddhima and thinks to take revenge. He pushes the stool and goes. Riddhima falls down. Vansh holds her in arms.

Vansh- "Are your nails really nails, stop hurting me."
Riddhima- "I m sorry."

Her chain gets stuck in his shirt. He sees the ring. The ring falls down. He picks it and tries to open it. She gets worried.

Riddhima(thinks)- "He can't see Kabir’s pic"

She snatches the ring from Vansh.

Riddhima- "Its some old memories, I can’t share my personal matters with everyone, will you tell me what were you doing in backyard yesterday, the day you get ready to share your life, then expect someone else to share their life."

She goes. He thinks of her words.

Vansh(to Angre)- "Check the garden area well."
Vansh(thinks)- "I know Riddhima is hiding something, I will find out."

Chapter end

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